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Cian O'Callaghan TD

The latest figures show that 68 per cent of those aged between 25 and 29 are still living with their parents

New figures showing that the number of young adults still living with their parents has nearly doubled in the last decade should ring alarm bells for the Government, according to Social Democrats deputy leader Cian O’Callaghan.

Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s housing spokesperson, said:

“The latest data from Eurostat paints a very bleak picture of what it’s like to be a young adult in Ireland today. The figures show that a staggering 68 per cent of those aged between 25 and 29 are still living in their parents’ home. This is significantly higher than the EU average of 42 per cent.

“The number of young adults stuck in their childhood bedrooms has almost doubled since Fine Gael took office 12 years ago and continues to skyrocket under this Government. Young people are forced to choose between sacrificing their independence or paying astronomical amounts to live in an insecure rental sector.

“This is a result of a monumental failure to provide people with access to affordable housing.

“There are good examples of solutions in other European countries. In Denmark, for instance, young people have access to a wide range of high-quality social, affordable and student accommodation options. It is hardly a coincidence that 25 to 29-year-olds in Ireland are now 15 times more likely to be still living with their parents than those in Denmark.

“The Minister for Housing must stop acting as if he is a mere bystander to this crisis. If high-quality, affordable housing is not provided, emigration will increasingly become the only option for young adults who want to set up a life of their own.”

August 15, 2023

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