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Social Democrats Cllr Jennifer Whitmore has welcomed the launch of a Neighbourhood Watch in Charlesland Park.

Whitmore said “The residents of Charlesland have worked together for the past eighteen months to improve the security of their estate. It began with the setting up of “WhatsApp” groups where residents from each street could contact each other immediately if they saw something suspicious. And it has progressed to now become a formal Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, which was launched in Charlesland Community Centre last week.

Whitmore added “Setting up this scheme has had many benefits, not just from a security perspective. Neighbours got to know each other and are looking out for each other and their properties. It has certainly brought the Community together, and it could not have happened without a number of the residents that have organised and implemented the programme.”

Mark Barry, Charlesland Park Resident and Area Coordinator for the Scheme said “I would like to thank our local Community Garda Maria Curtis and JP Connolly for their support in setting up this scheme and to all the Gardai that came to our launch night. I would also like to thank the Neighbourhood Watch team from the Park for all their efforts in getting this across the line. Because of the success of the programme to date, we hope to roll it out to Charlesland Wood and Grove over the coming months.”


9 February 2018

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