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Cian O'Callaghan TD

The Minister for Housing has refused to act and has hidden behind the very limited review that he asked Remy Farrell to conduct

The Minister for Housing must act on allegations regarding An Bord Pleanála, according to Social Democrats Housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan.

“Over the last number of months, a whole series of allegations have been made regarding how controversial decisions have been made at An Bord Pleanála.

“These allegations centre on a large number of highly significant planning decisions that were made by just two members of the board, Paul Hyde and Michelle Fagan.

“In some cases, a large volume of decisions regarding multiple separate applications were made within the course of just a few hours on a single day.

“No explanation has been given as of yet by the chair of An Bord Pleanála as to why these planning files were allocated to these two board members and were not randomly allocated.

“Over the last number of months, the Minister for Housing has refused to act and has hidden behind the very limited review that he asked Remy Farrell to conduct.

“Now that the Minister has received the report from Remy Farrell, he must take action to ensure that all allegations in the public domain regarding An Bord Pleanála are properly investigated.

“The planning process is crucial for the development of sustainable communities. People must be able to trust the process.

“There are now serious questions about decision-making at An Bord Pleanála. Now that the Minister has this report on his desk, he must act.”

29 July, 2022


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