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Paradise Papers highlight moral bankruptcy at heart of banking system

The revelations in the leaked ‘Paradise Papers’ that AIB’s offshore arm continued to facilitate tax avoidance after it was bailed out by the public highlight the extent of the moral bankruptcy at the heart of the Irish banking system, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said. Deputy Murphy said: “It is galling in the […]

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Workers forced to forgo basics to meet crippling cost of Dublin rents

Rents in Dublin are so shockingly high that many working people are denying themselves basics so they can meet their monthly payments, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said today. Deputy Murphy was commenting on new figures from estate agent Sherry FitzGerald which show that renters in Dublin are spending up to 55 per cent […]

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Budget 2018 will prolong the housing emergency

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has described Budget 2018 as a Budget of squandered opportunities in so many ways but in particular on addressing the housing emergency. She said there are lots of carrots but very few sticks, for example the Vacant Land Levy announced is still less than land price inflation. Deputy Murphy […]

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Housing shortage is even more acute than official data shows

The government’s inability to accurately count the number of new houses built each year is masking the true scale of the housing shortage, the Social Democrats said today. The party’s co-leader Catherine Murphy TD was commenting on a Goodbody BER housebuilding tracker published today, which shows that 5,377 houses were completed in 2016. This compares […]

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Lack of ambition and long-term economic planning laid bare in today’s C&AG report

Today’s Comptroller and Auditor General’s report highlights the government’s lack of ambition and long-term planning when it comes to managing our economy, the Social Democrats said today. The party’s co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said the government’s reliance on a small number of large corporations for its corporate tax base was ample evidence that mistakes of […]

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Water refunds must be paid minus conservation grant

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy has reiterated the party’s belief that water refunds should be paid net of the conservation grant.  According to the Social Democrats the number of people who would have paid the water charge and not claimed the conservation grant is minimal and therefore it would be very easy to deal with […]

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Dedicated Housing Delivery Agency urgently needed to tackle homeless emergency

A dedicated Housing Delivery Agency is urgently needed to step up the pace of home building, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said today. Deputy Murphy made her comments as homeless campaigners predicted that the number of children in emergency accommodation will double from 3,000 to 6,000 if present trends continue. “It’s a national shame […]

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Time to end farce of ‘rapid-build’ homes with a dedicated agency to drive house building

The government’s abject failure to deliver so-called ‘rapid-build’ homes shows just how desperately we need a dedicated Housing Delivery Agency, Social Democrats TD Catherine Murphy said today. Deputy Murphy said: “It’s farcical for the government to talk about ‘rapid-build’ homes when only 22 out of 1,500 pledged modular units have been completed so far. It’s […]

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Public Information Campaign on Waste Required

Social Democrats TD Catherine Murphy has called for an information campaign on waste recycling in light of the recent controversy regarding waste charges. Deputy Murphy said that the number one thing expressed to her during the media coverage on waste charges was confusion. She said people are confused about how the new charging regime will […]

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Transparency in financial affairs of third level institutes key to achieving accountability in spending of public funds

Social Democrats member of the Public Accounts Committee, Catherine Murphy TD, has today welcomed the publication of the committee’s report into the third level education sector and urged swift implementation of its recommendations. Speaking as the report was launched today, Deputy Murphy said: “The lack of transparency in relation to the finances of third level […]

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House prices spike shows urgent need for affordable housing scheme

The latest sharp rise in house price inflation shows how urgently an affordable housing scheme is needed, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said today. Deputy Murphy was commenting on Central Statistics Office figures which show that house sale prices rose by almost 12 per cent in the year to May 2017. This compares with […]

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