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The Social Democrats today warmly welcomed the re-election of Michael D. Higgins as a vote for an inclusive and compassionate President who speaks for all the people of Ireland.

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“The incredibly strong mandate for Michael D. Higgins shows that people want to see our country led by a decent, inclusive and compassionate President who speaks for all the people of Ireland.”

The Social Democrats today warmly welcomed the re-election of Michael D. Higgins as a vote for an inclusive and compassionate President who speaks for all the people of Ireland.

The party also welcomed the strong support for the referendum to remove the archaic offence of blasphemy from the Constitution.

Speaking as the election and referendum results became clear, party co-leaders Róisín Shortall TD and Catherine Murphy TD said:

“The incredibly strong mandate for Michael D. Higgins shows that people want to see our country led by a decent, inclusive and compassionate President who speaks for all the people of Ireland.

“The next seven years hold many crucial challenges for the country, including Brexit and a new relationship with the European Union. We believe that Michael D. Higgins is well placed to provide strong moral leadership in articulating the case for a better and fairer Ireland, and also in standing up for the most vulnerable and excluded in our society.

“However, a very disturbing aspect of today’s results is the significant support for a candidate whose anti-Traveller views were highly divisive. It is unacceptable that anyone seeking public office, let alone the office of the nation’s first citizen, would engage in reckless stereotyping of any group in our society.”

The party also welcomed the referendum result to remove the prohibition on blasphemy from the Constitution.

“The strong support for the removal of the archaic offence of blasphemy from the Constitution is very welcome. Our Constitution is no place for an outdated criminal offence which runs contrary to the principles of a modern republic where freedom of speech and freedom of religious expression are both guaranteed,” the co-leaders added.


27th October 2018



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