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Social Democrats candidates for May’s local elections today pledged to work as councillors for sustainable communities, improved local services, affordable housing and green local government.

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“We are asking voters from Bantry to Ballina and from Limerick to Laytown to back the Social Democrats’ vision for more effective and inclusive local democracy.”

Social Democrats candidates for May’s local elections today pledged to work as councillors for sustainable communities, improved local services, affordable housing and green local government.

The SocDems candidates signed a 12-point pledge at a pre-election rally in Dublin today. The rally was addressed by the party’s co-leaders and its recently nominated candidate for the Dublin constituency in the European Parliament, Cllr Gary Gannon.

Co-leaders Róisín Shortall TD and Catherine Murphy TD said:

“We are delighted to be putting forward such strong, diverse and dynamic candidates for the first council elections our party will contest. We are asking voters from Bantry to Ballina and from Limerick to Laytown to back the Social Democrats’ vision for more effective and inclusive local democracy.

“Most of our 58 candidates are new to politics and are stepping up because they want to see their communities thrive. Many have experience of working for change in the Marriage Equality and Repeal referendums. They are all energetic and enthusiastic campaigners who are already making huge differences in their communities.

“Our candidates will make excellent public representatives who will put our communities first in everything they do and will bring a fresh and vigorous approach as well as honest and open politics to city and county councils around the country.”

“We are particularly pleased that 31 out of our 58 candidates are women – that’s among the highest proportion of women of all political parties contesting these elections.”

SocDems 12 Pledges for Better Local Government

Be a strong voice for our local community
Promote affordable homes in sustainable communities
Prioritise recreation, play, and sport
Improve local council services
Support better public transport and boost cycling
Fight climate change and promote better recycling
Put people with disabilities at the heart of all decisions
Demand adequate funding for local authorities
Rejuvenate our main streets and neighbourhood shops
Tackle local crime and policing issues
Give communities a real say in how our taxes are spent
Be honest and transparent as a councillor

6th April 2019

See our  12 Pledges for Better Local Government


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