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Cian O'Callaghan TD

Responding to Minister Darragh O’Brien’s announcement that the Homelessness Taskforce is meeting to discuss the formation of a new Youth Homelessness Strategy, Social Democrats Housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan said:

“A target must be set for the elimination of youth homelessness and for every effort to be made to ensure that the strategy meets the needs of all young people.

“The proposed Youth Homelessness Strategy must set out a clear plan for eliminating youth homelessness. Every effort should be made by all organs of the State to ensure that no young person becomes homeless. With the right level of ambition and resources, we can eliminate homelessness in Ireland.

“The new Youth Homeless Strategy must place a strong focus on communities at higher risk of homelessness, including those exiting care, LGBTQ+ young people, Travellers, and other ethnic minorities. No one should be left behind.

“It is vital that young people are empowered to play a central role in the formation of this new strategy and that the actions, targets and timelines are shaped by their experiences.

“With homelessness now likely to go up because of the Government’s decision to remove the eviction ban – against the advice of the Social Democrats and NGOs who work in this area – a credible Youth Homelessness Strategy is more important than ever.”

April 19, 2021

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