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Gary Gannon TD said,
“News of increased paid parents leave today is welcome, even though it does not fully address the calls for twelve weeks additional leave for women who had maternity leave during lockdown. These women didn’t have access to many postnatal supports, and the three additional weeks will not fully address these issues.”

“It is crucial that this newly announced paid parents leave kicks in as part of the July stimulus, and not merely after Budget 2021 in November.

“Additionally, while it is welcome that all parents can avail of this leave, meaning a two parent family can, after Budget 2021, avail of ten weeks paid parents leave, it is crucial that one parent families get two sets of this paid parents leave. The aim must be to work toward ensuring a child can remain with their parents in their first year of life, and one parent families must not be disadvantaged in this.”


14th July 2020

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