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Government continuing to deny disabled people access to transport supports

Lack of Government action on transport schemes is making everyday life harder for disabled people in Ireland Disabled people are being excluded from everyday life in Ireland because of the lack of suitable transport, according to Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns, who is the party’s spokesperson on Disability, said: “For people with a […]

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Record homeness figures show that eviction ban is needed more than ever

More than 9,000 evictions expected in the coming months, with virtually no homes available to rent  Record homeless figures for March represent another grim milestone for this Government, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said: “The latest figures show there are now 11,988 people living in […]

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Government must end the legal limbo created by international surrogacy

Report of the Joint Committee on International Surrogacy to be debated in the Dáil today  The Government must expedite legislation to end the legal limbo faced by couples and individuals who enter into international surrogacy, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, who chaired the Joint Committee on International Surrogacy, will introduce the […]

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Time for renewed debate on State funding for greyhound racing

Government continues to prop up an industry that is in terminal decline  Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has renewed her call for State funding to the greyhound industry to be phased out after the Government received a detailed report on how revenues from the betting tax are spent. “The report, which was compiled on behalf […]

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Government Must Take Issues Facing Rural Ireland Seriously

Young farmers are an endangered species – we need urgent action  The government needs to take the issues facing rural Ireland seriously and provide sufficient and sustainable funding to help farmers overcome the climate crisis, according to Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns was commenting after meeting members of Macra na Feirme, who gathered […]

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Taoiseach’s comments on review of abortion services are deeply unhelpful

Oireachtas Health Committee is the most appropriate forum to analyse review group’s report on abortion services Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has described comments by the Taoiseach on the review group’s report on abortion services as deeply unhelpful. “The health and wellbeing of women must be front and centre of any recommendations to make legislative […]

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Ireland must examine international models to find solutions to crime

State’s law and order response to drug addiction has been a catastrophic failure Solutions to crime can only be found if the Government tackles the underlying causes of poverty and deprivation, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who represents Dublin Central, made his comments as statements on organised crime were heard in […]

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Further State investment needed to address Early Years recruitment crisis

Low pay is the driving factor behind high staff turnover levels Further State investment in childcare will be required to tackle the growing recruitment crisis in the Early Years sector, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson on Children, said: “The results of SIPTU’s Early Years (Childcare) Survey […]

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Tánaiste Must Comment On Dispute Between His Officials and Robert Watt

The Tánaiste should tell us whose version of events he believes – Mr Watt’s or his officials The Tánaiste must address the clear contradictions in the accounts of the secretary general of the Department Of Health, Robert Watt, and his senior officials on the circumstances surrounding the botched secondment of Dr Tony Holohan to Trinity […]

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Under-delivery of social and affordable homes is inexcusable

It is not lack of money that is preventing the State building the homes we need – it is catastrophic mismanagement by the Minister  Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan says it is disappointing but not surprising that the Government has yet again failed to meet its targets for the delivery of social and affordable homes. […]

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Social Democrats’ motion calls for a Vacant Homes Tax with teeth

Increased tax rate of 10% is needed to encourage owners of empty homes to sell or rent their properties  The Social Democrats will bring a Private Members’ Motion before the Dáil this Wednesday, April 19, calling for the introduction of an effective Vacant Homes Tax to help increase the supply of properties to rent or […]

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Minister’s refusal to reform teacher training is inexplicable

Social Democrats previously called for review of Professional Master of Education course to help increase the supply of teachers  Schools will continue to experience serious teacher shortages when the new term begins next September if the Minister for Education fails to address the ongoing recruitment crisis, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, […]

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