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Yet the State has made no real effort to pursue religious orders

The Government is refusing to expand its mother and baby homes redress scheme for purely financial reasons while making no real effort to pursue religious orders for a contribution, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns.

Deputy Cairns, who is the party’s spokesperson on Social Justice, said:

“It is despicable that 24,000 people are excluded from seeking recompense, including anyone who spent less than six months in an institution as a child or those who suffered abuse while boarded out.

“It is now clear that the exclusion of 40 percent of survivors from the scheme is purely for financial reasons as no other explanation has been offered by the Government. But from a moral perspective, it is particularly galling that not a single cent has yet been committed to the scheme by religious orders.

“The Minister is essentially saying that the State can’t afford to expand eligibility to the scheme, yet the Government is making no real effort to pursue church authorities.

“The Government’s approach to the mother and baby homes redress scheme has uncomfortable parallels with the legal strategy underpinning the nursing homes and disability payment controversies. Yet again, it is a case of the State trying to save money at the expense of the rights of vulnerable people.”

February 9, 2023

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