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Minister can’t see the wood for the trees on Coillte deal

Ireland’s Forest Strategy has been undermined by partnership with UK investment firm Coillte’s controversial partnership with a UK investment firm is undermining Ireland’s new Forest Strategy before it has even begun, according to Social Democrats Agriculture spokesperson Holly Cairns. “The long-delayed Forest Strategy says all the right things and makes big commitments. But based on […]

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Minister must address unfair quotas for inshore fishing sector

For far too long, a few big players have been allowed to dominate Unfair quota allocations continue to impact the livelihoods of those involved in the inshore fishing sector, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns, who is the party’s spokesperson on Agriculture, Food and the Marine, told the Dáil today: “Inshore fishing […]

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Government must act to increase awareness of tax credit for renters

Some renters losing out on rebate because landlords are not registered with Residential Tenancies Board The Government needs to do more to raise awareness of the €500 annual rent credit introduced in Budget 2023, according to Social Democrats Housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “It has been reported that only a fraction of those who are eligible […]

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Minister must explain almost €1 billion underspend on housing in 2022

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform document shows hundreds of millions of euros left unspent as housing crisis deepens  The Minister for Housing must explain why he failed to spend nearly €1 billion of the capital allocation for housing in 2022, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s spokesperson […]

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Damning CAMHS report demands immediate Government response

It is time that the Government stopped wringing their hands about dysfunction within the health service and actually did something about it A damning report by the Mental Health Commission has revealed that the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is failing children across the country, according to Social Democrats Health spokesperson Róisín Shortall. […]

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NCT operator must be held accountable for unacceptable delays

Confirmation that Road Safety Authority is engaged in legal process to impose penalties relating to NCT contract is welcome – but must be fully pursued The Government must urgently address ongoing delays being experienced by motorists trying to access National Car Testing (NCT) centres and apply appropriate penalties on operator Applus+ for any breaches of […]

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Government must pull the plug on Coillte deal

Partnership with UK investment firm highlights serious flaws in Government’s approach to forestry policy and climate action The Government must immediately intervene to scrap the controversial deal between Coillte and a UK-based investment firm, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson on Climate and Biodiversity, said: “The partnership […]

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Reform of ethics legislation must not be delayed by controversy engulfing Paschal Donohoe

It would be bizarre and grotesque for reform to be further delayed because the Minister overseeing SIPO was the subject of an investigation Long overdue reform of our ethics legislation must not be further delayed by the controversy that has engulfed Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “Minister […]

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Cost of renting now beyond the reach of HAP recipients

Increased delivery of cost rental, social and affordable homes is the only solution to this housing crisis The chronic shortage of properties available to those dependent on the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) highlights the urgent need for the Government to speed up delivery of cost rental, social and affordable homes, according to Social Democrats TD […]

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Gannon renews call for Taoiseach’s taskforce for O’Connell Street

Permission for supervised injecting facility is a positive first step in reclaiming and rejuvenating our capital city Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has renewed his call for the establishment of a Taoiseach’s taskforce for O’Connell Street after a supervised injecting facility was recently granted planning permission in Dublin city centre. “The delivery of a medically […]

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Government must prioritise farmers and rural communities in forestry programmes

Department of Agriculture should be supporting farms to develop forestry, not punishing them The planned partnership between Coillte and Gresham House, a UK-based investment firm, highlights fundamental flaws in the Government’s approach to forestry, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns, who is the party’s spokesperson on Agriculture, said: “It has come to […]

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Statement on the resignation of Damien English

Commenting on the resignation of Minister of State Damien English, Social Democrats Housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan said: “Just six months after the resignation of Robert Troy over a property-related matter, we now have another Junior Minister overboard. “Deputy English made the correct decision to immediately resign after it emerged he gave incorrect information to a […]

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