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UN climate conference must deliver measurable results on global warming 

The Government must insist that COP27 is more than just a talking shop and use Ireland’s influence to achieve climate justice for developing countries, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore.

Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson on Climate and Biodiversity, said:

“Given the scale of the global climate emergency, it is imperative that this year’s conference in Sharm el-Sheik delivers real results, both in terms of reducing worldwide greenhouse emissions and securing agreement on loss and damage for poorer nations.

“As well as financially assisting the developing world in transitioning to greener energy, wealthier countries responsible for the highest carbon emissions must recognise the ‘polluter pays’ principle which lies at the heart of climate justice.

“It is concerning that, even before COP27 got underway, the language surrounding liability and compensation for those countries most vulnerable to catastrophic climate change events has already been watered down.

“The Taoiseach will need to make good on any commitment to scale-up Ireland’s contribution to international climate finance so we can reach our €225 million annual target by 2025.

“The Government must also redouble its own efforts if Ireland is to achieve a 51 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as set out in its Climate Action Plan.

“This year’s conference in Egypt has to be more than just a talking shop. It is completely unacceptable that just 24 out of almost 200 countries have submitted updated or strengthened climate plans, despite committing to do so at COP26 in Glasgow last year.

“This week, the Taoiseach must use Ireland’s influence to ensure there is no backsliding on international climate change ambitions if global warming is to be capped at 1.5C above pre-industrial levels by 2030.

“Without international solidarity and measurable actions, runaway climate change will take an incalculable economic, ecological and human toll.”

November 7, 2022

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