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Social Democrats TD for Wicklow, Jennifer Whitmore, has called for the Minister for Children to brief members of the Opposition on the expected closure of the early childhood sector and creches until January 30.

Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson for Children, said:

“The Taoiseach indicated today that the early childcare and education sector is likely to remain closed until at least the end of the month, in addition to primary and secondary schools.

“While the Covid-19 rates are truly alarming and public health advice must be followed at all times, it is important that clear, comprehensive guidance is provided immediately to ensure that everyone knows what is being asked of them. It is vital that unnecessary confusion, anxiety and stress is avoided, not just for the children, but for parents and those working in the early years sector.

“Minister O’Gorman should hold an urgent briefing with Opposition spokespersons for Children and enter into meaningful engagement with all stakeholders involved.”

January 5, 2021

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