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Social Democrats representatives in Co Louth will deliver water to households in the Drogheda area this week in a bid to help with the supply crisis in the town.

The party members have put out a social media appeal asking people to contact them if they know of any elderly, sick or vulnerable residents who are unable to access the tankers posted around the town by Irish Water.

“The situation for the most vulnerable people in our community is getting more and more desperate,” said Local Area Representative Robbie Corr.

“We want to help in any practical way that we can so we are appealing to people to let us know if they or their neighbours need a delivery of drinking water. We have a bunch of 20 litre containers and we plan to drive these around to those who are most in need tonight and tomorrow night.”

Louth branch chairman, Martin Monks added:

“We have a very limited amount of water and only a few volunteers so our efforts will be restricted to those most in need. We are available to fill cisterns and we will work until our supply of water is depleted. We’d ask people to have their own container to store the water delivery, so we can reuse our barrels.”

The branch is asking people to contact them via their Facebook page,

Alternatively, people can send a text message to 087-6299433.


25 July 2017

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