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More than a dozen issues of serious concern are outlined in Inland Fisheries Ireland’s annual report and financial statements for 2021

Inland Fisheries Ireland must address serious issues of concern when representatives from the State body appear before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) next week, according to Social Democrats TD Catherine Murphy.

Deputy Murphy, who is vice-chair of PAC, said:

“More than a dozen issues of concern are outlined in Inland Fisheries Ireland’s annual report and financial statements for 2021, which were laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas this week.

“The report makes for shocking reading. It sets out matters relating to property mismanagement; shortcomings in relation to the use of Dormant Accounts funding; problems with the acquisition of fleet and the uninsured driving of leased vehicles; as well as potential fraud, which has been referred to An Garda Siochana for investigation.

“These days, with unacceptable frequency, we are being presented with reports demonstrating weak internal controls, failures to investigate disclosures and poor corporate governance within public bodies.

“What we are looking at here appears to be a collapse in governance, an abandonment of responsibility and a dysfunctional corporate and working culture within Inland Fisheries Ireland.

“After long delays in having the 2021 accounts presented to us, the report will come under scrutiny on July 6 when representatives of IFI appear before the Oireachtas Public Accounts Committee.

“There must be no obfuscation by Inland Fisheries Ireland in our attempts to get to the heart of the issues of concern identified.”

June 30, 2023

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