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Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has welcomed the selection of Cllr Elisa O’Donovan as the party’s Limerick City West candidate for the 2024 Local Elections.

Deputy Cairns, who took over the leadership of the Social Democrats from co-founders Róisín Shortall and Catherine Murphy earlier this year, visited the city today to meet with members of the party’s Limerick City branch and attend the selection convention.

Holly said:

“While I have been in Limerick many times, this was my first opportunity to visit the city since I became party leader in March. I was first elected as a councillor at the same time as Elisa in 2019, so I have had the pleasure of knowing her since then.

“Since her election, Elisa has worked tirelessly as a public representative on behalf of the people of Limerick City West and I am delighted she has agreed to run again for the party in next year’s Local Elections.

“As a speech and language therapist in primary care, Elisa is acutely aware of the challenges people face when trying to access health services in Limerick. I know she will continue to be a strong advocate for patients and hospital staff in their fight for improved healthcare facilities.

“Elisa epitomises the type of candidate we want running for the Social Democrats – one who is honest, principled and committed to our party’s progressive policies in areas such as health, housing, public services and the environment.

“But we need more people like her to join us. If you are interested in the same kind of change that Elisa and I want to see, please get in touch with us – we can’t do this without you.”

Elisa added:

“It is a genuine privilege to welcome Holly to Limerick today. The momentum behind the party since she took over as leader has been phenomenal and I am confident that Holly will build on the solid foundations laid down by Róisín Shortall and Catherine Murphy.

“This is an exciting new era for the Social Democrats. I look forward to contesting next year’s Local Elections in Limerick City West and will continue to work hard on behalf of the communities I represent between now and then.

“This is a defining time for Limerick, the Social Democrats and for women in politics – I am proud to be part of it.”

July 25, 2023

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