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Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said the government must now take stock of all options for the National Children’s Hospital following today’s offer by building contractor BAM.

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“Instead of doubling down on a succession of bad decisions, it’s time for the government to produce full costings on all options for the Children’s Hospital including co-location with a maternity hosptial.”

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said the government must now take stock of all options for the National Children’s Hospital following today’s offer by building contractor BAM.

Deputy Shortall said:

“The government needs to seize the opportunity to take stock of this hospital project and do a detailed costing of all options that were originally outlined. This must include calling a halt to construction on the St James’s site and considering moving to a different site in order to guarantee the co-location of the children’s hospital with a maternity hospital. This is a critical issue and was originally promised as part of this project.

“Instead of doubling down on a succession of bad decisions, it’s time for the Taoiseach, the Minister for Health and the Minister for Finance to produce full costings on all options. There’s no point in throwing good money after bad. We need to see substantially reduced costs while at the same time maintaining standards for staff and patients.”


15th February 2019



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