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Social Democrats spokesperson for Climate Action and Biodiversity, Jennifer Whitmore TD, has called on the Government to legislate for a ban on imported fracked gas following today’s High Court decision to quash all permissions for Shannon LNG.

Deputy Whitmore said:

“After a 13-year battle, Shannon LNG has lost all permissions to build its fracked gas import terminal on the Shannon Estuary. The conclusion of the legal process now opens a window for an Irish ban on the importation of fracked gas, as agreed in the Programme for Government.

“This will ensure that fracked gas imports, not only from the US but from Northern Ireland, does not enter this State. A ban on LNG terminals would have the effect of banning both types of gas, conventional and unconventional.

“Today’s High Court decision has reaffirmed campaigners’ position that planning permission should never have been given to Shannon LNG as the environmental assessment was not legally or properly completed.

“The Programme for Government agreed in June of this year by the coalition partners affirmed it did not support the importation of fracked gas and would develop a policy statement on this issue.

“A ban on the importation of fracked gas would also send a clear message that Ireland will not be a market for fracked gas from Northern Ireland, where two companies have applied for petroleum licences to frack.

“I want to commend all the activists who have tirelessly campaigned for over a decade on this issue. It brings a close to a long and drawn-out struggle that will provide a foundation for Ireland to progress its climate action goals and obligations.

“I have put in questions to the Minister for Climate Action on this issue and I hope there will be a Dáil debate on the implications of the High Court decision.”

November 9, 2020

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