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In the middle of an unprecedented cost-of-living crisis, the government has the power to do more than offer arrogant advice

If the government has run out of ideas on how to tackle the cost-of-living crisis, it is welcome to adopt proposals that the Social Democrats have long advocated, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore.

“In recent days, Climate Minister Eamon Ryan has issued a range of patronising advice on how workers and families can cut costs, including taking shorter showers and cutting out car journeys.

“The Minister has nine special advisors. Is this the best they can come up with – advice that could easily be gleaned from the Green Schools Programme in primary schools?

“What people really want to hear from the Minster are serious proposals about how soaring costs can be tackled. It is especially important that measures are targeted, so that those at the coal face of the cost-of-living crisis are provided with vital support.

“If the Minister is short of ideas, then he is welcome to adopt proposals that the Social Democrats have long advocated. These include putting €300 back in the pockets of workers earning €50,000 or less via a refundable tax credit; reducing VAT on energy; increasing core social welfare rates by €5 and extending and expanding the fuel allowance, which is due to expire imminently.

“In the middle of an unprecedented cost of living crisis, the government has the power to do more than offer arrogant advice. It can introduce measures that provide essential support for workers and families. The government has delayed long enough in introducing a package of serious measures. It must now act.”

5 April, 2022


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