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“But without a drastic revision of the National Development Plan with the paramount objective of a just climate transition, we are consigning ourselves and future generations to vast expenditure in fines and on mitigating measures to just to stand still, while our climate continues to deteriorate.”

The Social Democrats co-leader, Catherine Murphy TD, speaking on the publication of the Government’s Climate Action Plan published today, 17th June, said:

“We welcome that the Government’s plan to tackle the climate emergency has got this far. Having a plan is a good start. But clearly the Government has not worked out a lot of things and it will be all about the implementation. So far, this Government have not impressed on implementing major infrastructure or change projects.

However, the glaring gap in the plan is the lack of prioritisation of investment in public transport. Without substantially increased investment in public transport, there is no hope of delivering on the targets in the plan. In every other country, radical changes to the public transport model are crucial parts of tackling climate change and building sustainable communities.

In addition, while there is mention of retrofitting of housing, the actual commitments in the plan are far too weak

Last week the Dáil passed our motion seeking an urgent revision of the National Development Plan and National Planning Framework to properly reflect the climate and biodiversity emergency the country faces.

We welcome that the Government has started to respond. But without a drastic revision of the National Development Plan with the paramount objective of a just climate transition, we are consigning ourselves and future generations to vast expenditure in fines and on mitigating measures to just to stand still, while our climate continues to deteriorate.

There are elements of the plan that are welcome including commitments to increased expenditure on to off-shore wind, elimination of unrecyclable plastic and commitments on electric vehicles.”

17th June 2019


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