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Four Social Democrats candidates have been nominated for the upcoming local elections to South Dublin County Council.

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“Social Democrats local election candidates are running on a platform of strong support for local public services, accountability and democracy.”

Four Social Democrats candidates have been nominated for the upcoming local elections to South Dublin County Council.

The candidates lodged their nomination papers today, April 30th,  at County Hall, Tallaght.

The four are: Anne-Marie McNally (Lucan): Carly Bailey (Rathfarnham-Templeogue); Rob Hunter (Firhouse-Bohernabreena); Sandra Ruiz (Tallaght Central).

This is the first time the Social Democrats have contested a local election since their foundation in 2015.

The party, led by Róisín Shortall TD and Catherine Murphy TD, is running almost 60 candidates nationwide in the elections on May 24th, as well as European candidate Cllr Gary Gannon in Dublin.

The Social Democrats candidates are running on a platform of strong support for local public services, accountability and democracy.

The Social Democrats will launch their local election manifesto in the coming days, with commitments in the areas of social and affordable housing, cycling, climate change, and community budgeting amongst others.

The four candidates are supported by outgoing Councillor and former Mayor Dermot Looney.

Rob Hunter (Firhouse-Bohernabreena) is an electrician and small business owner. During the recent recession he moved to Sweden, where he experienced first-hand social democracy in action and how it builds strong, sustainable communities with no-one left behind. Rob founded ‘Lads for Choice’ to campaign for the Repeal of the 8th Amendment. This is his first election.

Rob Hunter said: “We need only to look at our Scandinavian neighbours to see true Social Democracy in action; a fairer, cohesive, wealthier and more prosperous society. Having experienced this system in Sweden, I believe it’s time we bring these opportunities to Ireland.”

Sandra Ruiz (Tallaght Central) was born in Spain and lives with her young family in Kiltipper. She is a qualified teacher and specialist in gender inequality, diversity and social issues. Sandra has worked with social enterprises and NGOs and is the co-founder of the Migrant Women United support group. She is a sign language interpreter, a member of Tallaght Deaf Club, and a former board member of Clondalkin Traveller Development Group. This is her first election.

Sandra Ruiz said: “The different voices of people living in South Dublin need to be represented. We need to make sure that everyone in our community has an equal voice. We stand for true and valid representation that understands and values the potential, needs and fundamental rights of the community, because representation matters and your voices matter to us.”

Carly Bailey (Rathfarnham-Templeogue) is first-time election candidate. A mother of two from Greenhills, she first got involved in politics after her family lost their home to a vulture fund. Carly has just completed a degree in Law and Political Science at Trinity College. She has campaigned on issues such as the housing crisis, children’s disability services, IVF and infertility treatment, childcare and access to higher education. She helped support the establishment of a local Educate Together secondary school and was co-convenor of the Dublin South-West Together for Yes campaign.

Carly Bailey said: “Community is at the heart of everything we stand for and believe in. When our needs are met, communities are stronger, safer and more vibrant. We want to represent all members of society on South Dublin County Council because community matters.”

Anne-Marie McNally (Lucan) is a co-founder of the Social Democrats and the party’s Political Director. She is the party spokesperson on issues including consumer affairs and sexual and reproductive health. Anne-Marie has worked with Catherine Murphy TD since 2012 on major issues including Siteserv and the recent FAI scandals. She stood in the 2016 General Election in Dublin Mid-West and narrowly missed out on a seat. Anne-Marie lives in Lucan with her family and their rescued greyhound.

Anne-Marie McNally said: “As Social Democrats we know the importance of joined-up thinking. Our version of local government seeks to connect services so that housing, transport, schools and other infrastructure all work hand in hand to create sustainable and vibrant communities.”


30th April 2019



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