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Social Democrats councillor for the Rush Lusk ward, Paul Mulville, has secured a commitment from Fingal County Council management to provide much-needed additional seating benches along Lusk Relief Road.

Cllr Mulville said:

“Following many calls from local residents, I have been pursuing the need for additional seating benches to be provided along the Lusk Relief Road.

“The provision of seating benches at regular intervals along this road is important to make this popular walking route more accessible for older people or those with mobility issues. The seating will allow them to walk and rest when they are out getting their exercise.

“The Council’s Operations Department has to date given a commitment to install two additional seats along the Lusk Relief Road. One seat will be located between the Skerries Road junction and the Raheny Road roundabout; the other bench will be installed between the Raheny roundabout and the Remount roundabout. These works will be done in early 2021 as part of the Programme of Works.

“This is a good start and I will be keeping the pressure on for further benches to be put in place here.

“In addition, the provision of seating benches at locations along the Donabate Distributor Road will also be considered for inclusion in the preparation of future Programme of Works.

“I would really like to hear suggestions from the public as to where further seating benches could be provided along the Lusk Relief Road and where they should be sited along the Donabate Distributor Road.”

December 10, 2020

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