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South Dublin County Council is to call on the Government to halt the progression of the Land Development Agency Bill following the passing of a motion submitted by Social Democrats Councillor Carly Bailey.

Cllr Bailey had attempted to submit an emergency motion on the issue last month but was unsuccessful. After a special meeting of the council was called to discuss the issue, convened by Cllr Madeleine Johannson, she resubmitted her motion.

Cllr Bailey’s motion reads:

“That this Council recognises that Section 183 of the Local Government Act is one of the most important reserved functions delegated to elected members.
-That this Council opposes the provisions in the Land Development Agency 2021 Bill (to be enacted) which overrides the decision making of elected members regarding the transfer or sale of public land. That this Bill would further undermine local democracy and the work of our Council Executive in the proper planning of our county/city and our local communities.
-That this Council will continue to actively engage with the Dept. of Housing to utilise and implement housing models that will provide social and affordable housing for the people of this county and retain the ability to plan for the associated infrastructure of such developments.
-That this County Council agrees to write to the Minister for Housing and Local Government demanding an immediate halt to the progression of the Land Development Agency Bill 2021, that the Minister engage in consultation with Local Authorities and that the Council invites the Minister to meet with Councillors to discuss this further.”

Speaking after her motion was passed, Cllr Bailey said:

“I wish to thank my colleagues for their support on this important motion. The Social Democrats do not support provisions of the Government’s housing agenda that could see for profit, private housing built on public land or see an equity share model to deliver unaffordable housing. We are also concerned at plans to bypass the votes of councillors on the sale of land to the LDA which would significantly undermine local democracy.

“The passing of my motion sends a clear message to the Minister for Housing that there are serious concerns about his Bill from across the political spectrum. Disposal of public land is one of the last remaining important reserved functions of councillors and cannot be allowed to stand. I sincerely hope the Minister will engage with us on this issue as requested in the motion.”

March 8, 2021

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