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Social Democrats TD for Cork-South West, Holly Cairns, has called on the Minister for Health and the HSE to clarify why tomorrow’s scheduled vaccination of frontline staff at Bantry General Hospital has been cancelled.

Holly said:

“I have heard conflicting reports as to why the vaccinations were postponed. Whatever the reason, it is deeply disturbing to learn that we are running into problems with the rollout of the vaccine so early into the programme.

“Staff that were booked in to be vaccinated tomorrow have now been told that their appointments will be rescheduled for next week but have not been given a specific date.

“This is a matter of utmost urgency as many staff at the hospital are already out of work after contracting Covid-19 or are restricting their movements due to being a close contact of a confirmed case.

“We owe it to our frontline healthcare workers to protect them from this virus and I will be seeking a full report on this unacceptable situation from the Minister and HSE.”

January 8, 2021

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