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The Social Democrats have today condemned the actions of President Donald Trump and all who seek to fuel racial tensions and racial inequality both at home and abroad. The party reiterated its previous assertion that Donald Trump’s style of politics is regressive, demeaning and now downright dangerous.

Party co-leader Catherine Murphy said:

“What we are witnessing in the US at the moment is unprecedented but unfortunately not all that surprising given the tone that President Trump has set since the outset of his Presidential campaign. His brand of politics focuses on fear and division and what is unfolding in the US is a direct result of that.  We stand in full solidarity with the peaceful protestors on the #BlackLivesMatters demonstrations both at here and abroad.

Party co-leader Róisín Shortall said:

“The assault on democracy that we are witnessing in the US is terrifying and it behoves right-minded politicians around the world to condemn such actions. The US president’s policies are an affront to the values of decency and justice that Irish people hold dear. Here at home we must always strive to ensure that racial equality is fostered, and it is long past time for us to change the inhumane system of direct provision in this country. Black people and people of colour are a hugely important part of our society and it is incumbent on every single one of us to ensure that we treat each other as equals in every sense.”

02nd June 2020


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