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Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD today called on the Minister for Health to intervene to compel the HSE to release smear slides to women affected by the CervicalCheck controversy so they can be independently reviewed.

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“In our recent Alternative Budget we proposed that the Government set aside funding for a deposit and return scheme in Ireland in 2019. We have seen clearly how they operate successfully in other countries and make a significant contribution to improving recycling rates and reducing litter and plastic pollution.”

The Social Democrats have expressed support for the Waste Reduction Bill and are anxious to see it passed and implemented as quickly as possible.

Speaking ahead of tonight’s Dáil motion on the prevention of single use plastics, the party’s Energy and Climate Change spokesperson, Councillor Cian O’Callaghan said:

“In our recent Alternative Budget we proposed that the Government set aside funding for a deposit and return scheme in Ireland in 2019. We have seen clearly how they operate successfully in other countries and make a significant contribution to improving recycling rates and reducing litter and plastic pollution.

“We are also very anxious to see firm action on eradicating the distribution and sale of single use plastics. We support the Green Party’s Waste Reduction Bill to introduce a deposit refund scheme for glass and plastic bottles and a complete ban on single-use non-recyclable plastics.

“Indeed, we would like to see the existing Bill go even further than currently proposed so that it covers a much wider range of disposable plastic products. We are in favour of an industry levy to help tackle this issue and also the issue of the use of plastic packaging that is not currently recyclable in Ireland.

“The Government has done very little to deal with the problem. The EU’s actions in this regard are welcome but lack ambition and urgency in our view. We support tonight’s Green Party motion and very much hope to see it passed.”


23rd October 2018


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