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Co-leader of the Social Democrats, Róisín Shortall TD, has welcomed the Minister for Justice’s announcement that his department will be restructured as “broadly positive,” but has cautioned that the Minister must ensure the full cooperation of his department.

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“If we are to ensure accountability at every level, the overly close and cosy relationship between the Department and senior Gardaí must come to an end”

Co-leader of the Social Democrats, Róisín Shortall TD, has welcomed the Minister for Justice’s announcement that his department will be restructured as “broadly positive,” but has cautioned that the Minister must ensure the full cooperation of his department.

“The report by the Effectiveness and Renewal Group highlights the dysfunctional relationship between the Department and the Gardaí.

“The idea that the relationship between the two had evolved in such a way “that the buck stops nowhere” is completely unacceptable in a democracy. If we are to ensure accountability at every level, the overly close and cosy relationship between the Department and senior Gardaí must come to an end.”

“It is vital that this opportunity to address these issues is not squandered. The report notes that the first thing required is buy-in at the most senior political and civil service levels. The Minister must ensure this happens, and that no attempts are made to delay or derail the process by vested interests within the Department,” concluded Deputy Shortall.


10 July 2018


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