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Commenting on the public transport fare changes published today by the National Transport Authority, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said:

“While the fare decreases announced today are certainly welcome, I can see no justification for the increases in train fares and some commuter bus fares, especially as some of these are above the rate of inflation.

“For example, the Dublin Bus increases mean that a significant number of people who live within the M50 and commute to work every day will see their fares rise above the inflation rate. The cost of living is already very high, and people renting in Dublin spend 55 per cent of their take home pay on rent. Any transport fare hikes at all will just increase the financial burden on these people who are already forced to forgo basics to keep a roof over their heads.

“Fares in Ireland remain far too high because the public subsidy for public transport in Ireland is one of the lowest in the developed world. And it’s not just about fares. We have an escalating problem with capacity on our public transport services. Increasingly, commuters are being left behind at bus stops and Luas and DART platforms because the vehicles are stuffed to the gills during rush hour. Is the National Transport Authority even tracking this problem?

“Passengers deserve a new deal – a deal where service reliability is an absolute priority of public transport companies and those that regulate them. It is clear that finding savings within public transport providers own resources is no longer possible. That’s why investing in public services and driving down the cost of everyday expenses was a priority in the Social Democrats’ Alternative Budget 2018.”

27 October 2017

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