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Public Inquiry Into Nursing Homes Required

We are now facing a fourth wave of Covid-19 and lessons must be learned from the previous three There must be a full public inquiry into what happened in our nursing homes during the pandemic, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. Deputy Shortall was responding to an RTE Investigates programme on care in nursing […]

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Government Gives Green Light for More Rent Increases

Linking rents to inflation is a policy for another era The Government plan to link rent increases to the EU Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices will see rents continue to rise by about 2pc per year, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “The Government’s plan to link rent increases to inflation is coming […]

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Government’s Plans Unworkable and Unenforceable

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]We urgently need clarity on Nphet’s figures and their projections The government’s plans to reopen the country are unworkable, unenforceable and raise serious legal and ethical issues, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “In his address today, Taoiseach Micheál Martin said the government wanted to reopen the […]

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Clarity Urgently Needed On PUP Payments

Clarity on the PUP can be provided in advance of Nphet meeting and providing its public health advice. The government urgently needs to clarify whether it intends to extend the cut-off date for new applicants to the PUP, according to Social Democrats Social Protection Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “The Pandemic Unemployment Payment will close to new […]

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Housing Minister Commits to a Review of Leasing Policy and Targets

Government housing policy prioritises the interests of private developers and private profit The Department of Housing has confirmed it is undertaking a review of its long-term leasing policy and targets, according to Social Democrats Councillor Aidan Farrelly. In January, on foot of a motion from Cllr Farrelly, Kildare County Council wrote to Housing Minister Darragh […]

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Sky-High Rents Causing House Price Frenzy

Ordinary buyers cannot compete with investors who have millions or even billions to spend The asking price of a four-bed semi in Rathmines increasing by nearly 80pc in a week suggests sky-high rents are now distorting the entire housing market, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “This house in Rathmines – which will […]

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Government Failing Fishing Community

This sector has been continually neglected by the government Today’s large protest by fishers from around country highlights the frustration and fear felt by coastal communities, according to Social Democrats Agriculture, Food and the Marine Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “This sector has been continually neglected by the government. Any marginal engagement was too little too late. In response […]

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Estate Agents Should Apologise For GDPR Breach

Their first instinct was to make life more difficult for home buyers – rather than check their obligations under GDPR Estate agents who sought their customers personal data, in breach of their GDPR obligations, should apologise to their customers, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan was responding after the Data Protection […]

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Varadkar Must Clarify Remarks On Holles Street

The government has said it will not oppose our motion. They must go further – and actively support it. The Tánaiste should immediately clarify remarks he made in which he suggested Holles Street was a Catholic-ethos hospital, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “Leo Varadkar said he worked at the national maternity hospital at […]

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One-Third of New Homes Now Bought By Institutions

Leo Varadkar’s pledge to construct 40,000 homes per year not credible The State’s over-reliance on the private market to solve the housing crisis means nearly one-third of new homes are now bought by institutions, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “According to the Social Justice Ireland, the proportion of newly built homes bought […]

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Robert Watt Refusing To Release Review Of Children’s Hospital To PAC

Mr Watt’s intervention has ensured this debacle has gone from tragedy to farce The Department of Health is refusing to release details of a review into the new Children’s Hospital to the PAC, according to Social Democrats co-leader, and vice-chair of the PAC, Catherine Murphy. “A comprehensive review of this project,  by the National Paediatric […]

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Restrictions At Maternity Hospitals Getting Worse, Not Better

When is this government going to treat women with the respect they deserve The Minister for Health must immediately clarify why restrictions on partners at maternity hospitals are still in place, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. “It is now more than five weeks since Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan said there was no […]

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Details of 100pc Redress Scheme For Mica Must Be Announced Swiftly

Supports offered by the government should not depend on your proximity to Leinster House The mica scandal is another grim legacy of boom era shoddy construction standards, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Ordinary people have again been left to pick up the pieces of lax government regulations and building standards – quite […]

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Rezoning of Finglas Site Must Occur As Part of Development Plan

We can only assume efforts to fast-track this rezoning are an attempt to push it through ahead of the SHD legislation lapsing at the end of the year The rezoning of a 106-acre site in Finglas should be deferred until next year when the new 2022-2028 development plan will be published, according to Social Democrats Councillor […]

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