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Government Response To The Cost-Of-Living Crisis Lacks Ambition

Tinkering around the edges will do little to help those struggling to survive in the long-term The government’s response to the cost-of-living crisis is not sufficiently targeted at those who need help the most, according to Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy. “The vast bulk of the funding announced today is for a blanket €200 electricity […]

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Commission Report Highlights Crisis In Defence Forces

The report has highlighted the extent of the crisis within our Defence Forces Improved pay and conditions for members of the Defence Forces are a critical component in bolstering our defence capabilities, according to Social Democrats Defence Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “I welcome the release of the report of the Commission of the Defence Forces, which […]

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Rents Across The Country Are Out Of Control

It is clear rent caps are nothing more than window dressing Rents across the country are out of control with rents in Dublin now 50pc more than the Celtic Tiger peak, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Last year, rents across the country increased by an average of more than 10pc. Meanwhile, 20 […]

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Government To Blame For Cuckoo Funds Snatching Homes From Families

The cuckoos have come home roost – because the government incentivised them to come here Cuckoo funds outbidding ordinary buyers for family homes by up to 32pc is a direct consequence of government policy, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Young workers and families don’t stand a chance when they try to buy […]

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No Clarity On How Targets Can Be Achieved In Retrofit Plan

Over-promising and under-delivering has been a recurring theme of this government. The government has promised that 500,000 homes will be retrofitted by 2030, but there is little clarity on how this target will be delivered in the plan announced today, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The government has set a target of […]

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Minister Must Clarify When Extra Refuge Spaces Will Be Delivered

This shameful lack of spaces means an average of eight women are turned away from refuges every day in Ireland The government must immediately act on its belated commitment to significantly increase the number of refuge spaces, according to Social Democrats Social Justice Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “In an interview with Morning Ireland this morning, Justice […]

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Fleming’s Marie Antoinette Moment Show Government Is Out Of Touch

The government has yet to provide a single targeted relief to people who are struggling to survive Patronising comments by Junior Minister Seán Fleming on the cost-of-living crisis are indicative of a government that is out of touch and lacking in empathy, according to Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy. “Advice from Junior Minister Seán Fleming, […]

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Government Must Stop Dithering On Cost-Of-Living Crisis

The measures the government introduces must be targeted at those who need the assistance most  The government must stop dithering and take immediate action to tackle the cost of living crisis, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The cost-of-living crisis seems to have come as a surprise to the government, which is now […]

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Government Must Act On the Real Cost Of Cancer

The Social Democrats have put down a motion, to be debated in the Dáil tomorrow, on the real cost of cancer It is unconscionable that cancer patients are being pursued by debt collection agencies for bills related to their chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “If you do not […]

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Decision To Abandon Hybrid Leaving Cert A Crushing Blow For Students

This year is not a normal year, so we cannot have a ‘normal’ Leaving Cert The decision not to proceed with a hybrid Leaving Cert this year is a crushing blow for students and their families, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “This year’s Leaving Cert students have suffered two years of upheaval […]

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Reports Confirm Worst Fears About The Impact Of The Pandemic On Children

The government must act now to prevent any further damage Two separate reports have today confirmed our worst fears about the impact of the pandemic on marginalised children, according to Social Democrats Children’s Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore was commenting following the publication of the Annual Report of Ireland’s Special Rapporteur on Child Protection and […]

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Senior Management Team Must Be Held Accountable For Kerry CAMHS Scandal

A single junior doctor cannot be scapegoated for this entire scandal. HSE CEO Paul Reid must ensure there is accountability among the senior management team for the scandal at South Kerry CAMHS, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “HSE CEO Paul Reid appeared on Morning Ireland today, but was unable to provide any […]

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Government Must Remove Holiday Homes From €100 Electricity Grant Scheme

The government must remove these 62,000 holiday homes from the credit scheme The government must clarify if it intends to spend more than €6 million on electricity subsidies for holiday home owners, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “We know we have a cost of living crisis and the high cost of energy […]

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Housing Minister’s Record Is One Of Failure

The Minister’s record to date is one of failure. No amount of spin can change this. The latest update on the Housing for All plan reveals the Government is rich on promises for the future and exceptionally poor on actual delivery, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “No affordable purchase homes were delivered […]

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