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Government Must Act On Back To School Costs

The Back To School allowance was higher in 2007 than it is now The government must act to provide relief for parents who spend up to €1,500 on back-to-school costs for each child, according to Social Democrats Children’s Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “Last year, a survey from the Irish League of Credit Unions revealed that 24% […]

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Minister Must Clarify If She Misrepresented Schools She Named and Shamed

It is now  just days before schools close for the summer – and 106 children are still without a class for next year Minister for Special Education Josepha Madigan must clarify if she misrepresented the position of four schools she claimed had not engaged with the Department about special education classes, according to Social Democrats […]

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Paul Reid Resignation Raises Serious Questions For The Health Minister

Mr Reid has joined the exodus of senior health officials who have also recently announced their resignations The abrupt resignation of HSE chief executive Paul Reid raises serious questions for Health Minister Stephen Donnelly, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “In the first instance, I would like to wish Mr Reid well in […]

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Government Must Act On Huge Rise In Homelessness

There are nearly 16 empty homes for every homeless person in the country The Government must urgently respond to the huge rise in homelessness over the past year, according to the Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “There are now 10,325 people living in emergency accommodation, including 3,028 children. This is a 29% increase on […]

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Delaying Leaving Cert Results Until September Is Unacceptable

Students are paying the price of the State Examination Commission’s failure to plan It is completely unacceptable that Leaving Cert results will not be issued until September 2, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “Delaying the Leaving Cert results until September 2 will cause huge levels of additional stress and worry. It will […]

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Early Childhood Care and Education Providers Need Clarity About Funding

Continued indecision, combined with soaring costs, is threatening the viability of hundreds of ECCE providers The government must provide clarity to the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) sector about the level of core funding they will receive in the autumn, according to Social Democrats Children Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “Many ECCE-only providers are finishing up […]

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The Government Has Abandoned Its Living Wage Commitment

What does it say about this government when the Tories have a more generous approach to the living wage than it does? The government has abandoned its commitment to introduce a living wage that people can actually live on, according to Social Democrats co-leader and Finance Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “When this government came to power, […]

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Rising Homelessness Needs An Urgent Response From Government

Ending homelessness should be a political priority, but it has fallen off the government’s agenda The government must urgently respond to the huge rise in homelessness over the past year, according to the Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “The number of people who are homeless has increased by a staggering 24pc over the last […]

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Testing For Radon Must Be Mandatory When Homes Are Sold Or Rented

95pc of Irish householders are living in homes that have not been tested for radon Mandatory testing for radon must be introduced whenever homes are being sold or rented, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Exposure to radon gas is the second-leading cause of lung cancer and is responsible for approximately 300 lung […]

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Social Democrats Advance Bill to Create Land Price Database

If passed, this Bill will create transparency around land prices and developers’ profit margins Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan has advanced legislation that would create a new land price and ownership database. Speaking ahead of today’s Dáil debate on the Bill, Deputy O’Callaghan said: “Issues with land ownership, control and costs have haunted Ireland […]

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Government Must Stop Delaying And Introduce A Vacant Homes Tax

Instead of pursuing the rapid introduction of a vacant homes tax, the government seems more interested in trying to undermine the rationale for one  The government must stop delaying and introduce a vacant homes tax immediately, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “The introduction of a vacant homes tax was postponed because the […]

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Government Must Scrap Its €450m Bailout For Developers

The Social Democrats are moving a motion in the Dáil tomorrow calling on the government to scrap this latest sweetheart deal for developers. The government must scrap its bizarre plan to gift developers up to €144,000 per apartment and instead use the money to deliver affordable, social and cost-rental homes, according to Social Democrats Housing […]

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Vacant Homes Tax Delay Would Be Inexcusable And Incomprehensible

To date, all we have gotten from this government are delays, excuses and prevarications Any further delay to the introduction of a vacant homes tax is inexcusable and incomprehensible, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “There were reports at the weekend that the introduction of a vacant homes tax is in doubt after […]

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