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Health Minister Must Clarify When Monkeypox Vaccination Campaign Will Begin

The lack of urgency is deeply worrying The Minister for Health must clarify when the monkeypox vaccination programme will be rolled out, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Last week, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly announced that a monkeypox vaccination programme, targeted at individuals at high risk, would be rolled out. However, there is […]

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Urgent action needed from Government to address near record levels of homelessness

The latest homelessness figures are a shocking indictment of the Government’s failed housing policy The Government must urgently respond to near record-breaking levels of homelessness, according to the Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Homelessness is near an all-time high. This is a disaster for everyone living in emergency accommodation who does not have a place […]

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The Minister for Housing must act on An Bord Pleanála allegations

The Minister for Housing has refused to act and has hidden behind the very limited review that he asked Remy Farrell to conduct The Minister for Housing must act on allegations regarding An Bord Pleanála, according to Social Democrats Housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Over the last number of months, a whole series of allegations have […]

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The Government must hold developers to account for building defects

The ongoing failure to act demonstrates that the Government has learned nothing from the disastrous impact of construction defects Today the Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien, has published a report on building defects in apartments and duplexes. There are a series of urgent actions the Government must now take, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson […]

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The Government emissions deal for agriculture shows a shocking failure to listen to the climate science

The Government is clearly not prepared to make the tough decisions required to deal with climate change The agreement of a 25% reduction in carbon emissions for the agricultural sector represents a shocking failure by Government to listen to the science, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The decision to put in place […]

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EPA report must act as a wakeup call to this Government, which is sleepwalking us into a disaster

While this government excels at climate rhetoric, it fails miserably at climate action Today’s EPA report, which reveals our carbon emissions are going up instead of down, must act as a wakeup call for the government, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “Today’s EPA report confirms that our carbon emissions are going up, […]

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Agriculture Minister In Denial About Emissions Targets

This refusal to be honest with farmers is putting them in a very vulnerable position Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue is in denial about the contribution agriculture will have to make to our carbon budgets, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “Ranges for sectoral emissions targets were published last November with the Climate Action […]

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Failure To Publish Sectoral Emissions Ceilings Deeply Concerning

The government must stop its dithering and delay and publish the sectoral emissions ceilings The failure of the government to publish sectoral emissions ceilings is deeply concerning, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The unprecedented heatwave and raging wildfires across Europe this week have underscored the catastrophic impact of climate change – and […]

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Housing For All Progress Report Shows Housing Crisis Is Getting Worse

On every metric, the housing crisis is getting worse The latest Housing for All progress report shows only 16 of the 30 Housing for All actions promised for Q2 2022 were completed. Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan said: “The Government has failed to deliver almost half of its promised actions in the Housing for […]

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