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Siteserv Report Is A Devastating Chronology Of A Tainted Deal

Named individuals peddled mistruths, concealed information and engaged in behaviour that the report describes as “manifestly improper and wrong” The report of Mr Justice Brian Cregan is a devastating chronology of the Siteserv deal which reveals the integrity of the sales process was tainted from the very start, according to Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy. […]

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Minimum pay rates for childcare workers should be seen as a floor, not a ceiling

The introduction of minimum rates of pay for Early Years workers is a welcome first step in improving employment conditions within the childcare sector, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, the party’s spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs, said: “I welcome confirmation from the Minister for Children that the first-ever Employment Regulation […]

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Children’s Minister Has Betrayed Survivors Of Mother And Baby Homes

It is truly despicable that survivors have found out, via the media, that this review has been scrapped Children’s Minister Roderick O’Gorman has again betrayed and failed survivors of mother and baby homes, according to Social Democrats Social Justice Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “In response to the considerable anger and distress caused by the manner in […]

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Record levels of homelessness proves the Government housing plan has failed

When it comes to housing, the Government is completely out of touch. The Government talks about ending homelessness by 2030, but they have no plan, no strategy and no milestones Record levels of homelessness further prove that the Government’s housing plan has failed, according to the Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Figures released by […]

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Climate Minister Has No Plan To Prevent Blackouts This Winter

Consumers and businesses need a credible plan to keep the lights on this winter Climate Minister Eamon Ryan’s strategy to prevent blackouts this winter amounts to nothing more than a wing and a prayer, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “At a time when the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRU) has warned that […]

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Social Care Students in Dublin Business School Deserve Answers

This is devastating blow for the students involved, who have spent thousands of euro on this degree Students in Dublin Business School who have spent significant sums on a degree in Applied Social Care deserve answers about why the course has not been accredited by the regulator, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. […]

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Robert Troy Must Make Comprehensive Dáil Statement On Business Interests

This controversy has again highlighted the toothless nature of the State’s ethics watchdog SIPO Junior Minister Robert Troy must make a comprehensive statement in the Dáil when it returns outlining all of his business interests, according to Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy. “The drip feed of information, from Robert Troy, has been deeply unsatisfactory. As […]

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Ministers Asleep At The Wheel During Energy Security Crisis

This level of denial and myopia at cabinet is deeply concerning Ministers who claim to be “livid” or “astounded” at Ireland’s worsening electricity security crisis have been asleep at the wheel, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The Business Post has reported that ministers are “livid” and “astounded” that Ireland is facing into […]

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Consumers Must Not Bear The Cost Of Electricity Supply Crisis

The blame falls squarely at the feet of a government that rolled out the red carpet for data centres Ordinary consumers should not bear the financial cost of the government’s failure to ensure the country has a sufficient supply of electricity, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The government has been trying to […]

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Neither Tenable Nor Appropriate For An Bord Pleanála To Investigate Itself

The Farrell report must be published as quickly as possible It is neither tenable nor appropriate for An Bord Pleanála to investigate itself in relation to allegations that are in the public domain but not included the Farrell report, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “I am very concerned that the Housing Minister […]

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HIQA Report Highlights the Snail’s Pace Of Decongregation

The snail’s pace of decongregation cannot continue A new report from HIQA has highlighted the need to speed up the transfer of people with disabilities from congregated settings, according to Social Democrats Disability Spokesperson Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns was commenting following the publication by HIQA today of an overview of its inspection and regulation of […]

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Government Must Commit To Windfall Tax On Energy Companies

There is no excuse for any further delay The government must commit to introducing a windfall tax on energy companies, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, has called on governments around the world to tax the super-profits of energy companies – and use that revenue […]

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