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Disability issues must be addressed in budget

Social Democrats propose weekly Cost of Disability payment People with disabilities could receive up to €50 a week extra under pre-budget proposals put forward by the Social Democrats. Holly Cairns TD, the party’s spokesperson on Disability, said: “Despite improvements in funding in recent years, the experience of many disabled people in Ireland continues to be […]

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Time to make education genuinely free

School-related costs putting household budgets under severe pressure Radical reform is required in next week’s budget to make education in Ireland genuinely free, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson on Education, said: “Parents throughout the country know that the concept of free education is nothing more than […]

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Significant investment in solar energy needed in Budget 2023

Social Democrats propose ambitious solar panel programme for 100,000 homes The Government needs to urgently ramp-up investment in solar energy in next week’s budget, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore, the party’s spokesperson on Climate and Biodiversity. Speaking after the launch of the Social Democrats’ alternative budget, Deputy Whitmore said: “Budget 2023 must have […]

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Punitive Tax on Vacancy & Dereliction and Levy on Investment Funds Needed

Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien is failing to meet any of the targets on delivering affordable homes while house prices and rents are at record highs A punitive 10% tax on vacancy and dereliction should be introduced and a levy imposed on investment funds, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan was commenting […]

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Protecting the vulnerable a key priority in Social Democrats’ alternative budget

Immediate threat to living standards and long-term challenges must be met Protecting the most vulnerable from the cost-of-living crisis is the key priority in the Social Democrats’ alternative budget, published today. The party’s alternative budget document, ‘Responding to the Crisis: A Social Democratic Approach’, aims to strike a balance between dealing with the immediate threat […]

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Significant ambiguities in Government’s pension proposal

Immediate clarity needed from Minister on several issues There are significant ambiguities in the Government’s pension proposal that need to be addressed, according to Social Democrats Social Protection spokesperson Gary Gannon. “I welcome the introduction of flexibility in the pension system – with workers being given the option of retiring at 66 or up to […]

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Time to phase out funding for greyhound racing industry

SocDems propose an end to State subvention for the sector by 2025 State funding for the greyhound industry should be phased out over the remaining term of the 33rd Dáil, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns, who is the party spokesperson on Agriculture, Food and the Marine, said: “The annual report for Greyhound […]

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Corrib gas field profits underscore need for windfall tax

Immoral to allow energy companies profit off the backs of consumers Exorbitant profits being generated by the Corrib gas field further underscore the urgent need for a windfall tax on energy companies, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson on Climate and Biodiversity, said: “It has emerged that […]

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Full accountability needed on issues surrounding An Bord Pleanála

Public confidence in planning system must be restored Further questions surrounding the workings of An Bord Pleanála require urgent answers from the Office of the Planning Regulator, the chair of the board and the Minister for Housing, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, the party’s spokesperson on Housing, said: “It is lamentable […]

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Urgent clarity needed on Junior Cert results

Students will understandably feel abandoned by the Government Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has called on the Minister for Education to end ongoing uncertainty over when this year’s Junior Certificate results will be issued. Deputy Gannon, the party’s Education spokesperson, said: “The thousands of students who sat exams in June are fully entitled to know […]

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Rural communities must have continued access to home birth services

Community-based midwives’ views need to be taken on board by HSE  The Minister for Health must urgently intervene to ensure continued access to home birth services for women living in rural communities, according to Holly Cairns TD. Deputy Cairns, who represents Cork South-West, said: “A recommendation by the HSE to exclude large swathes of my […]

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Continued engagement with Tuam campaigners is essential

A rotten partnership between the Irish State and Roman Catholic Church perpetuated abuses and actively opposed any form of accountability and justice Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns has called on the Government to fully engage with survivors and campaigners ahead of the passing of legislation covering the excavation of the Tuam Mother and Baby Home […]

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Record property prices a further blow for house-hunters

Capital spending on housing down 21 percent on this time last year Confirmation from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) that property prices have risen above their Celtic Tiger peak further highlights the scale of Ireland’s worsening housing crisis, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, the party’s spokesperson on Housing, said: “The national […]

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Findings of youth study deeply concerning

We are at risk of becoming a nation of emigrants again due to cost of living and housing crises New research carried out on behalf of the National Youth Council of Ireland paints a bleak picture of how young people view life in this country today, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns, […]

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