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Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said an emergency rent freeze is the only way to address astronomical rents, as the latest figures from show a national increase in rents of more than 11 per cent.

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“There is no just way that ordinary workers, people with families and young people, can continue to pay rents at these astronomical levels.”

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said an emergency rent freeze is the only way to address astronomical rents, as the latest figures from show a national increase in rents of more than 11 per cent.

Commenting on today’s figures, Deputy Catherine Murphy said:

“These figures are a cause for great concern. The average monthly rent nationwide now stands at an all-time high of €1,334, which is €304 higher per month than at the Celtic Tiger peak. In Dublin, the average asking price for rental properties is up by almost €1,000 a month – that’s a staggering 36 per cent higher than it was ten years ago.

“There is no just way that ordinary workers, people with families and young people, can continue to pay rents at these astronomical levels. As it is, the amount of people’s take-home pay that goes on rent is having a major impact on the quality their lives. Some are faced with having to put money aside for rent instead of buying food, with no money left over at all to enjoy any kind of social life.

“It’s not good enough that the government continues to throw struggling renters upon the mercy of a market where there is an acute lack of supply and where the going rates for rental properties are totally out of whack with many people’s incomes.

“In our Alternative Budget 2019, the Social Democrats proposed a two-year emergency rent freeze across the country. It is abundantly clear that rent pressure zones are failing to curb soaring rents. We need a stronger solution to the current crisis. The only option now is for the government to bring in an emergency rent freeze that will at least give renters some certainty about their weekly or monthly outgoings.”


12th November 2018



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