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The Social Democrats Spokesperson on Children, Jennifer Whitmore TD, has reminded people to be aware that the updated advisory for those cocooning  is not just confined to over 70’s. Whitmore highlighted the fact that the phrase ‘cocooning’ also applies to medically vulnerable people and in many cases this includes children. She said she wanted to highlight the issue as now that a lot of parks have agreed dedicated opening times for those who have been advised to cocoon it is important to note that this will not be confined to those over 70.

Jennifer Whitmore TD said:

“In general, there has been much confusion over the cocooning advise but primarily the discourse has focused on age when in fact the phrase ‘cocooners’ is also used to describe people, of all ages, who are considered medically vulnerable. Many children and those with disabilities, often invisible,  fall into this category. We have all heard awful anecdotes of people with children being treated with disdain in public as there has been an unfair narrative surrounding children and their likelihood to transmit Covid – something not borne out by medical evidence.”

“Now that those who have been cocooning are advised that it is ok to take short periods of outdoor exercise, and with many parks allocating specific time to those who are cocooning, it is important that people recognise that many children are also ‘cocooners’.  The new advisory regarding outdoor exercise for ‘cocooners’ will often mean children in the park alongside older people. It is vital that this is understood so as to avoid discrimination or public disputes. People should refrain from making judgements as to why someone, of any age, might be using a public amenity such as a park during the specified hours. We must support each other through these difficult times and recognise that the vast majority of people are adhering to the guidelines as they apply to them.”
05th May 2020


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