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Today’s Supreme Court judgement as yet more recognition by the courts that parliamentary privilege is an important aspect of our system of democracy and one which is constitutionally protected.


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“The public interest must always be to the fore and that is what has underpinned everything I have done to date.”

Social Democrats Co-Leader Catherine Murphy has welcomed today’s Supreme Court ruling regarding utterances made by her and Sinn Fein TD Pearse Doherty on the floor of the Dáil in 2015. Ms Murphy said the judgement was yet more recognition by the courts that parliamentary privilege is an important aspect of our system of democracy and one which is constitutionally protected.

Speaking following the judgement Catherine Murphy TD said:

“The CPP found that I had not abused parliamentary privilege in making a speech which was very squarely within the public interest and that I acted in good faith at all times. I am pleased that both the High Court and now the Supreme Court have upheld that decision.”

“Whilst I am pleased that the courts have recognised the constitutional protections afforded to those of us who may find ourselves in the position of having to use parliamentary privilege for a matter of public interest, it is hugely incumbent on us, as elected representatives, to recognise that such privilege must only be exercised with great responsibility. The public interest must always be to the fore and that is what has underpinned everything I have done to date.”

ENDS 5th March 2019


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