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Mother and Baby Homes Report Must Be Repudiated

The members of this Commission have steadfastly refused to appear before our Committee to answer questions The Mother and Baby Homes report has rewritten Irish history and must be repudiated by the government, according to Social Democrats TD, and Oireachtas Children’s Committee member, Holly Cairns. “Following the participation of one of the members of the […]

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Basic Income Guarantee Pilot Scheme for Artists Welcome – but Overdue

Many of those working in the Arts are reliant on the PUP, which the government plans to cut from September Plans to introduce a basic income guarantee pilot scheme for artists are welcome – if overdue, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. “Minister for Tourism, Culture and Arts, Catherine Martin, has committed to “prioritise” […]

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‘Abstinence’ Policy for Outdoor Summer Won’t Work

We need, as a matter of urgency, to establish a public realm taskforce on Dublin City Council  Dublin City Council’s approach to an outdoor summer is akin to the promotion of abstinence as a sex education policy – it won’t work, according to Social Democrats Councillor Catherine Stocker. “We have been told, by our political […]

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Fewer than 4pc of Government Social Media Posts in Irish

Encouraging the everyday use of Irish will ensure it survives as a living language Fewer than 4pc of the social media posts from most government departments are in Irish, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns said: “Each government department has its own social media channels on various platforms, so one would expect […]

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Fishing industry facing its biggest ever crisis

The range of problems facing the industry have now become a perfect storm, threatening its future viability The fishing industry is facing its biggest ever crisis, according to Social Democrats Agriculture Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “Today’s flotilla of 50 trawlers in Cork is a visual representation of the extent of the frustration felt by the fishing […]

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Rejection of planning for Bessborough site a humane decision

An Bord Pleanála reached a humane decision on this sensitive matter An Bord Pleanála’s refusal to grant planning permission for a large development on the site of the Bessborough Mother and Baby Home is the correct decision, according to Social Democrats TD, and member of the Oireachtas Children’s Committee, Holly Cairns. Holly said: “I welcome […]

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Three years after historic Repeal vote, there is much more work to do

The vote to repeal the Eighth Amendment was a momentous day for women’s rights in this country – but much work remains to be done, according to Social Democrats Social Justice Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “Today is the third anniversary of the vote to amend the Eighth Amendment – a vote that dismantled decades of stigma, […]

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The work is not yet done for LGBTI+ equality

Six years ago, this month, the people of Ireland gave a mandate to deliver equality for LGBTI people. That work is not yet done. Ireland remains ranked at 15th this year in the annual ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map published today, which assesses the legal and policy situation for LGBTI+ people in all countries in Europe. The Map […]

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Continued restrictions at maternity hospitals are misogynistic and cruel

Having a baby should be a joyful experience and instead it is being turned into something distressing and stressful by these intransigent rules It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that continued restrictions on partners at maternity hospitals are anything other than misogynistic and cruel, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns said: “It […]

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Failure by Taoiseach to acknowledge easing of maternity hospital restrictions is disappointing

Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns says she is disappointed at the failure of the Taoiseach to acknowledge the easing of maternity hospital restrictions in his announcement on reopening the country. Holly said: “After months of uncertainty, the HSE has finally confirmed a uniform, nationwide approach to the easing of restrictions at maternity hospitals. It emerged […]

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Government is attempting to avoid scrutiny of National Marine Planning Framework

The Social Democrats have accused the Government of attempting to railroad the National Marine Planning Framework (NMPF) through the Dáil without adequate pre-legislative scrutiny. Holly Cairns TD, who is the party’s spokesperson for the Marine, said: “The time allocated for a debate on this topic tomorrow is wholly inadequate to address the myriad of issues […]

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Government needs to show moral leadership by supporting vaccine TRIPS waiver

The Social Democrats have called on the Government to demonstrate moral leadership by backing the campaign for an intellectual property rights waiver on the production of vaccines. Holly Cairns TD, who is the party’s spokesperson for Social Justice, said: “While the Irish response to the devastating humanitarian crisis unfolding in India is welcome, the real […]

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Government and CAP policies failing to protect our uplands from gorse fires

Reacting to the destructive weekend fires in Killarney National Park, Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns has called on the Minister for Agriculture to ensure the sustainable protection of uplands in ongoing CAP reform negotiations. Holly, who is the party’s spokesperson on Agriculture, said: “Although the devastating fire in Killarney is the most prominent one, there […]

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