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Lessons need to be learned from latest flood events

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, is seeking immediate action and greater consultation with communities after successive flood events in the past two weeks. Holly said: “We’re now in our third week of flooding in West Cork. Towns and communities, including Bandon, Skibbereen and Bantry, have been affected by floods recently. “This situation […]

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Meat plants should close in event of new Covid-19 clusters

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson on Agriculture, has criticised the lack of commitment from the meat processing industry to immediately close individual plants in the event of further outbreaks of Covid-19. Holly said: “At today’s Special Covid-19 Committee hearing, I asked representatives of the meat industry to clearly state if individual plants would be […]

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Further clarity needed on safe reopening of third level institutions

Social Democrats TD for Cork South West and spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, Holly Cairns, has welcomed the publication of health guidelines for the safe resumption of on-campus activity in third level institutions but said further clarification was needed from the Government in some areas. Holly said: “The publication of the Implementation Guidelines for […]

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Supports for tourism sector fall short of what is required

Social Democrats TD for Cork South West, Holly Cairns, says that supports for the tourism and hospitality sectors in the July stimulus package fall far short of what is required. Holly said: “I believe there is a need for further practical supports and increased grants for the tourism sector in the July stimulus. Clearly there […]

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Lack of maternity leave an obvious barrier to women entering politics

Lack of maternity leave continues to be a glaringly obvious barrier to women entering politics, according to Social Democrats TD for Cork South West, Holly Cairns. Holly said: “Politics is the only business in Ireland that does not provide maternity leave for TDs, Senators and County Councillors. “Maternity leave is not a perk; it’s not […]

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Action needed on third level sexual violence and harassment

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Higher Education, has called for immediate action after frightening levels of sexual violence and harassment in Irish third level education were highlighted during a meeting between Minister Simon Harris and the National Advisory Committee on Consent and Sexual Harassment. Deputy Cairns said: “The alarming rates of rape, sexual […]

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TDs highlight low rates of wildlife crime prosecutions

Jennifer Whitmore TD, the Social Democrats spokesperson for the Environment, and Holly Cairns TD, spokesperson for Agriculture, have called on the Government to properly resource the National Parks and Wildlife Service and to establish a specialised Garda unit to deal with wildlife crime. The TDs have highlighted the fact that the number of successful prosecutions […]

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Funding for third level students falls short of what is required

Holly Cairns TD, the Social Democrats spokesperson on Higher Education, says the Government’s announcement of a €160m funding package for the third level sector falls far short of what is required. Deputy Cairns said: “While any increase in financial supports for students would be welcome under normal circumstances, we are not living in ordinary times […]

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Reduction in CAP funding a real concern for farmers

Speaking after the conclusion of the EU Council summit this morning, Holly Cairns TD, the Social Democrats spokesperson on Agriculture, said: “In real terms, CAP for the next seven years is going to be down by about 9%, which is worrying for Ireland’s agricultural sector. “It is essential that the Government devises strategies to maintain […]

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Social Democrats announce spokespeople for 33rd Dáil

The Social Democrats have today announced spokesperson roles for the 33rd Dáil. Co-leader Catherine Murphy said: “In announcing our spokesperson roles today, I am confirming that the Social Democrats will continue to work as we did in the last Dáil – by being constructive and practical but also by not being afraid to ask the tough […]

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Rural Ireland left devastated by farm accidents – Holly Cairns TD

Holly Cairns TD, the Social Democrats spokesperson on Agriculture, said today that farmers need to be supported by the Government to help prevent workplace accidents. The Cork South West TD made her comments as Farm Safety Week got underway and shocking statistics on farm accidents were released by the National Office of Clinical Audit. The […]

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People with disabilities and carers left high and dry – Holly Cairns TD

Social Democrats TD for Cork South West, Holly Cairns, today accused the Government of abdicating its responsibilities for people with disabilities by being overly reliant on the voluntary sector and family carers. At the Special Covid Committee this morning, representatives from the disability sector highlighted the many challenges for people with disabilities in our society […]

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