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Absence of sick pay in SIPTU agreement with meat industry is disappointing

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West and party spokesperson for Agriculture, Holly Cairns, has expressed concern that the agreement reached today between Meat Industry Ireland and SIPTU on safety protocols for workers in meat plants does not include provision for sick pay. Holly said: “The aim of this agreement is to suppress Covid-19 infections in […]

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Holly Cairns TD seeks further funding for rural villages

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, has called on the Department of Community and Rural Development and the Islands to extend funding for rural areas and provide specific investment for villages. Speaking in the Dáil, Holly said: “The Town and Village Renewal Scheme, which has been tailored to address the challenges associated with […]

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Leaving Cert and CAO reform now needed after stressful year for students

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Further and Higher Education, and Gary Gannon TD, the party’s Education spokesperson, have called for meaningful reform of the college entry system following this afternoon’s release of first round CAO offers. Holly said: “Today marks a critical milestone after a very difficult and uncertain period for this year’s […]

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People with disabilities must be included in Government’s Covid-19 strategy

Cork South-West TD, Holly Cairns, today highlighted the serious challenges faced by people with disabilities during the pandemic and called on the Government to address their needs when it publishes its ‘Living With Covid’ strategy next week. Speaking in the Dáil, Holly said: “The past few months have been an incredibly challenging time for people […]

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Minister’s enthusiasm for digital hubs for students must be matched by funding commitment

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Further and Higher Education, has called for targeted funding for colleges and universities to establish hubs or micro-satellite campuses which would enable rural students to complete courses online. Holly said: “One of the main barriers for students in rural Ireland is poor or non-existent broadband. With most courses […]

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Flawed penalty points system for fishing industry is not fit for purpose

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Agriculture and the Marine, has said that the Government’s new penalty points system for the fishing industry is deeply flawed and not fit for purpose. Holly said: “The penalty points system is designed to target breaches of fisheries rules but those working in the industry are concerned that […]

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Increased college places welcome but must be sufficiently funded

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, has said that any increase in third level places this year must be matched by additional State funding. Holly said: “The reopening of third level institutions will be as challenging as the reopening of our schools. Colleges and universities are doing the best they […]

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Government, not colleges, must fund any reduction in third level fees

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, has called on the Government to fund a reduction in third level registration fees in light of the emerging shift to online lectures for the upcoming term. Holly said: “I strongly support the Union of Students in Ireland’s call for a minimum €500 reduction […]

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Social Democrats TDs believe Forestry Bill is significantly flawed

Social Democrats spokesperson for Agriculture, Holly Cairns TD, and the party’s spokesperson for Climate Action and Environment, Jennifer Whitmore TD, believe that the Government’s new Forestry Bill is significantly flawed and in direct contravention of EU Directives and the Aarhus Convention which protect people’s rights to appeal decisions in environmental planning. Deputy Whitmore and Deputy […]

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Student renters need better supports

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Further and Higher Education, has called for measures to support students seeking accommodation who have less protections than other renters. Holly said: “Students and their families are facing an incredibly hard year with uncertainty about how teaching and learning will be delivered in colleges. This means students are […]

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Lessons need to be learned from latest flood events

Social Democrats TD for Cork South-West, Holly Cairns, is seeking immediate action and greater consultation with communities after successive flood events in the past two weeks. Holly said: “We’re now in our third week of flooding in West Cork. Towns and communities, including Bandon, Skibbereen and Bantry, have been affected by floods recently. “This situation […]

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