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Attack on planning laws have created a developers’ charter

Slashing building standards and undermining the planning process has not fixed the housing market. All it has achieved is greater dysfunction. Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall today introduced a Private Members Bill to the Dáil to overhaul planning laws which have become a developers’ charter under successive Ministers. “Planning laws have become a developer’s charter […]

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Planning laws have become a developers’ charter thanks to the intervention of successive Ministers

The SHD process has been a success at only one thing – boosting the value of developers’ sites, not housing stock Planning laws have become a developers’ charter thanks to the intervention of successive Ministers, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisin Shortall, who has published legislation to restore quality and democracy to the planning process. […]

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Competition in Irish banking market will soon be almost non-existent

The current state of Irish banking is a consumer nightmare Competition in the Irish banking market will soon be almost non-existent, according to Social Democrats co-leader, and Finance Spokesperson, Róisín Shortall. “KBC has today confirmed its intention to quit the Irish market. This news will be a source of great alarm to both its staff […]

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Chaos and confusion surrounding mandatory quarantine must be addressed by Government

The Irish people deserve competence and efficiency from their government at a time of national crisis. Instead, they have chaos and confusion. The government’s mandatory quarantine system has descended into chaos less than three weeks after it was set up, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “Last night, the government’s mandatory quarantine system had […]

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Has Taoiseach rolled back on ‘data, not dates’ promise?

Responding to the Taoiseach’s announcement of the easing of lockdown restrictions, co-leader of the Social Democrats, Róisín Shortall TD, has said: “It’s surprising that the Taoiseach has this evening set out a phased easing of restrictions based on dates, given that the Government’s previous plan emphasised that any change would be based on data instead. […]

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Beacon move undermined vaccine rollout

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has spoken out strongly against the news today that the Beacon Hospital gave 20 surplus vaccines to teachers in a nearby private school. She said: “What happened this week at the Beacon is completely unacceptable. The hospital ignored the sequencing protocol in favour of passing on the surplus vaccines […]

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Call for Health SecGen and Minister to answer questions about State behaviour in confidentiality and data breaches

Responding to the RTÉ Investigates report that revealed the Department of Health had gathered sensitive and confidential information about families taking cases against it, Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, has called for the Secretary General and the Health Minister to appear before the Health Committee and Dáil respectively to answer questions. Deputy Shortall commented: […]

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Davy resignations a “starting point” but unanswered questions remain

Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, has welcomed the resignation of the three senior executives from Davy today, describing it as a “starting point”. However, she has pointed out that a number of unanswered questions remain. Commenting, Deputy Shortall said: “The resignations of three senior executives from Davy today are welcome as a starting […]

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Call for daily figures on vaccine programme performance

During Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil today, Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, asked the Taoiseach to publish daily figures for vaccine doses received, doses available, and doses administered, so that the performance of the vaccine rollout can be measured against projections. She said: “Vaccines provide great hope to people, and the public […]

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