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Clarity Required On When Covid Passes Will Include Boosters

The government must stop dodging this question and tell us if they have a plan Clarity is required on when covid certs will be updated to include booster doses as some EU countries have announced certs with just two doses will no longer be valid after nine months, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín […]

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Review Of Abortion Legislation Has All The Hallmarks Of A Rush Job

The review, of this important piece of legislation, has all of the hallmarks of a rush job It is deeply regrettable that the Health Minster has failed to appoint an independent expert to head a review of abortion legislation in advance of that review commencing, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “In March, […]

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Scrapping Antigen Test Subsidy A Serious Dereliction Of Duty

This is a decision that makes no sense on either public health or financial grounds The decision of the government to scrap a subsidy scheme for antigen tests is a serious dereliction of duty, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “It beggars belief that Health Minister Stephen Donnelly would announce a U-turn of […]

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State’s Staunch Defence of Religious Oaths Surprising and Disappointing

Deputy Shortall will be bringing forward a Bill proposing a referendum to remove the requirement to make religious oaths from the Constitution The full-throated defence by the State of mandatory religious oaths in the Constitution is both surprising and deeply disappointing, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. Deputy Shortall was an applicant in proceedings […]

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Government Reopening Plan Chaotic and Incoherent

The government response can be summarised as chaotic and incoherent. The reopening plan announced today betrays an abject lack of planning and foresight by the government, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “With just three days left to go before many businesses reopen, for the first time in 19 months, the rules are being […]

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The Social Democrats’ Alternative Budget Would Deliver Real Change

The forthcoming budget is an opportunity to prove we have learned the lessons of the Covid-19 and invest in public services, where deficiencies were so exposed during the pandemic, according to Social Democrats co-leaders Róisín Shortall and Catherine Murphy. Our main priorities include: 10,000 affordable and cost-rental homes 10,000 social homes A new affordable model […]

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National Development Plan Is A Back-Of-The-Envelope Wish List

What is the point in releasing a National Development Plan without conducting a screening exercise in advance The National Development Plan is nothing more than a back-of-the-envelope wish list, according to Social Democrats Finance Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “The government made history today – the first time an administration has announced a National Development Plan and […]

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Health Minister’s Attempts To Defer Health Committee Attendance Unacceptable

It is not acceptable for the Minister to keep Oireachtas members in the dark Attempts by Health Minister Stephen Donnelly to defer his attendance at the Oireachtas Health Committee, to discuss Sláintecare, until after the budget are not acceptable, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “A crisis has engulfed Sláintecare. There have now […]

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Third Resignation Means Sláintecare In Complete Disarray

There are fundamental problems with Sláintecare that those charged with implementing it view as intractable Health Minister Stephen Donnelly and Secretary General of the Department of Health Robert Watt must come to the Health Committee to answer questions about the crisis engulfing Sláintecare, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Yesterday, the chairperson of […]

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Health Minister Must Explain Resignations of Sláintecare Officials

The decision of both of these eminent people to resign on the same day is significant The announcement that two of the most senior officials, tasked with implementing Sláintecare, have resigned on the same day raises fundamental questions about the progress of this hugely important reform of our health services, according to Social Democrats Health […]

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Today Marks A New Dawn In Our Fight Against Covid

We are a resilient people, but this pandemic has tested us like never before Today marks a new dawn in our fight against covid, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “Today marks a new dawn in our fight against covid as we make preparations for what will hopefully be the final unravelling of the […]

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Diverse Range of Expert Guests To Join Social Democrats’ Summer School

The Summer School provides a timely opportunity to discuss the challenges we collectively face and the solutions we can offer A diverse range of expert and interesting guests, discussing some of the biggest challenges we face as a society, will join the Social Democrats’ Summer School this weekend. On the programme, organised by The Left […]

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C&AG To Audit National Maternity Hospital Spending

It is extraordinary that €51m has already been spent on this project – before any final decision that it will proceed at the Elm Park site Spending on the new National Maternity Hospital will be examined as part of an audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. […]

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Public Health Guidelines Sacrificed to Save Leo Varadkar’s Political Skin

Has Nphet been consulted about the proposed revision to the guidelines? The government has sacrificed its own public health guidelines in an effort to save Tánaiste Leo Varadkar’s political skin, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “The government spent weeks in negotiations with the hospitality industry, about the rules that should apply to their […]

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