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Health Minister Has Questions To Answer Following Dr Glynn’s Resignation

There have now been a number of high profile resignations during Health Minster Stephen Donnelly’s tenure in office It is a huge loss to the public service that the two people who chiefly led the public health response to the pandemic have now resigned, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Outgoing deputy chief […]

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Murky National Maternity Hospital Deal Must Be Scrutinised

We have seen, with the reported imminent overturning of Roe v Wade in the United States, that rights, once secured, must continue to be fought and advocated for The government cannot sign off on the proposed new national maternity hospital deal while its terms are still shrouded in mystery, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson […]

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Holohan Resignation Shows Donnelly Has Lost Control Of His Department

It is clear that the Health Minister has lost control of his Department and lacks authority It is hugely regrettable that Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan was dragged into a political controversy of the Department of Health’s creation and is now leaving the public service, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Public health […]

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Cost Of Living Crisis Has Vaporised Household Budgets

The question for the government now is clear: when, not if, it will act? The cost of living crisis has vaporised household budgets, according to Social Democrats co-leader and Finance Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “This month’s consumer price index makes grim reading. Prices in the past month have increased by nearly 7pc – the fastest rate […]

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Waiting List Plan Will Not Work

The Minister’s own Sláintecare progress report revealed key areas of the strategy are nowhere near implementation The new Waiting List Action Plan will not work as it fails to address structural issues within the health service, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “The €350 million investment in tackling waiting lists, that was announced […]

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Independent Review Of HSE Disability Services in The Northwest Urgently Required

It is bizarre to suggest that the agency centrally responsible for the failure of care should investigate itself An independent review of HSE-run disability services in the northwest is urgently required, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Further revelations about a lack of adherence to safeguarding procedures in HSE-run disability services in the […]

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Government Excuses For Its Cost-Of-Living Plan Do Not Stand Up To Scrutiny

A cursory examination of the figures reveals the inequity at the core of this plan The government’s excuses for failing to target their cost-of-living measures at low and middle income earners do not stand up to scrutiny, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “A cursory examination of the figures reveals the inequity at the […]

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Government Must Act On the Real Cost Of Cancer

The Social Democrats have put down a motion, to be debated in the Dáil tomorrow, on the real cost of cancer It is unconscionable that cancer patients are being pursued by debt collection agencies for bills related to their chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “If you do not […]

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Senior Management Team Must Be Held Accountable For Kerry CAMHS Scandal

A single junior doctor cannot be scapegoated for this entire scandal. HSE CEO Paul Reid must ensure there is accountability among the senior management team for the scandal at South Kerry CAMHS, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “HSE CEO Paul Reid appeared on Morning Ireland today, but was unable to provide any […]

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Visitor Restrictions In Hospitals And Nursing Homes Must Be Lifted

Nphet made it very clear there was no longer any public health justification for retaining visitor restrictions The Health Minister must give a clear direction that visiting restrictions at hospitals and nursing homes should be lifted, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Last week, in their letter to government, Nphet made it very clear […]

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Today Is A Historic Moment In Our Battle Against Covid

We have navigated our way through the maze of this pandemic using public health advice – and that advice has now identified an exit The removal of almost all covid restrictions is a historic moment in our battle against covid, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Covid has consumed all of our lives […]

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Government Must Publish Its Long-Term Covid Strategy

The issue of a subsidy for antigen tests must urgently be revisited The government must publish a long-term strategy on how it plans to manage the pandemic throughout the year, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “We are now in the third year, and fourth wave, of covid but no long-term strategy to […]

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HSE Must Explain Why There Are No Walk-In Clinics In Dublin

By contrast, a 12-hour walk-in clinic is operating in Cork  The HSE must explain why there are no walk-in clinics for boosters for over 40s anywhere in Co. Dublin today, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “There are no walk-in clinics for boosters for over 40s operating anywhere in Co. Dublin today. The […]

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