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Public Dental Scheme in Crisis

HSE figures show that the number of dentists participating in the scheme has dropped by over a third in five years The exodus of dentists from the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS) requires an immediate intervention from the Minister for Health, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD. HSE figures obtained by Deputy Shortall […]

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Health Minister Is Ignoring The Science On Long Covid

Why is the Minister continuing to give experts and patient advocates the cold shoulder?  The Minister for Health must explain why he’s ignored repeated calls to fund the Mater’s Long Covid Clinic, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “The Mater’s clinic is the longest running Long Covid clinic in Ireland and yet it’s […]

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Budget Can Be Characterised By A Failure to Target Resources

The vacant homes tax, proposed by the government, is especially pathetic  The government’s budget can be characterised by a fundamental lack of targeting with high income earners benefiting disproportionately, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. “A failure to target supports at those who need them most is a recurring theme with this government – and […]

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Protecting the vulnerable a key priority in Social Democrats’ alternative budget

Immediate threat to living standards and long-term challenges must be met Protecting the most vulnerable from the cost-of-living crisis is the key priority in the Social Democrats’ alternative budget, published today. The party’s alternative budget document, ‘Responding to the Crisis: A Social Democratic Approach’, aims to strike a balance between dealing with the immediate threat […]

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Health Minister Must Clarify When Monkeypox Vaccination Campaign Will Begin

The lack of urgency is deeply worrying The Minister for Health must clarify when the monkeypox vaccination programme will be rolled out, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Last week, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly announced that a monkeypox vaccination programme, targeted at individuals at high risk, would be rolled out. However, there is […]

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Summer Economic Statement Shows Government Must Act To Alleviate Pressures

The government’s approach is to watch people fall into further debt and poverty before it is willing to act  The Summer Economic Statement shows the government can act and introduce an emergency budget now, according to Social Democrats Finance Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “The summer economic statement has again confirmed that the government has the capacity […]

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Government Must Act As Inflation Hits Nearly 10%

The cost-of-living crisis is now an emergency, but the government is callously refusing to act. It is essential that the government introduces an emergency budget given inflation is now running at nearly 10pc, according to Social Democrats Finance Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Inflation is now running at nearly 10pc. Price increases are becoming embedded across the […]

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Paul Reid Resignation Raises Serious Questions For The Health Minister

Mr Reid has joined the exodus of senior health officials who have also recently announced their resignations The abrupt resignation of HSE chief executive Paul Reid raises serious questions for Health Minister Stephen Donnelly, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “In the first instance, I would like to wish Mr Reid well in […]

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The Government Has Abandoned Its Living Wage Commitment

What does it say about this government when the Tories have a more generous approach to the living wage than it does? The government has abandoned its commitment to introduce a living wage that people can actually live on, according to Social Democrats co-leader and Finance Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “When this government came to power, […]

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Cabinet Must Not Sign Off On NMH Deal While Questions Remain Unanswered

Why is there such an unseemly rush to push this deal through cabinet?  The cabinet must not sign off on the national maternity hospital deal tomorrow when a number of significant questions remain unanswered, according to Social Democrats Health Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “The legal documents underpinning the State’s biggest ever investment in women’s healthcare were […]

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