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Minister pleads inability to pay for child protection training for childcare workers

The Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has called on the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs to stop treating childcare workers as ‘second class educators’ and provide proper supports so that they can undertake mandatory in-service child protection training. Deputy Shortall made her call after questioning Minister Zappone in the Dáil today about the […]

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Government Bill falls far short in protections for low paid precarious workers

The government’s Bill for employees with insecure contracts does not go far enough to protect precarious workers and will allow their exploitation to continue, the Social Democrats co-leader Roisin Shortall TD said today. Deputy Shortall said the Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 contained significant loopholes that could be exploited by employers to undermine job security […]

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Social Democrats introduce bill to increase parental leave to six months

The Social Democrats today bring before the Dáil a Bill that gives working parents the opportunity to spend more time caring for their children. The Parental Leave (Amendment) Bill allows parents to take a total of six months (26 weeks) unpaid leave from their jobs without their employment rights being affected. This is an increase […]

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Social Democrats call for New Deal for Young Workers

The Social Democrats have called for a ‘New Deal for young workers’ to end the dumbing down of pay and conditions and remove barriers to good quality employment. The call comes as the party holds its second National Conference in Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin. Commenting ahead of the leaders’ address tonight, the party’s co-leader Róisín […]

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Social Democrats welcome cross-party support for renters’ rights Bill

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD today introduces to the Dáil a Bill to give renters a minimum of 90 days’ notice to quit a property and to give incoming tenants access to the amount of rent paid by their predecessors. The party welcomes the backing of opposition parties Fianna Fáil, Sinn Féin, Labour and […]

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Minister for Justice must move on GSOC’s reform plan

The Social Democrats have voiced strong support for today’s call by the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission for a radical overhaul of the legislation governing its operations to make the system of garda complaints and oversight fairer, more transparent and more efficient. Party co-leader Róisín Shortall TD called on the Minister for Justice to move swiftly […]

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Social Democrats’ Bill to protect tenants and stem homelessness

The Social Democrats today publish a Bill to help tackle hasty evictions, unfair rent hikes and growing homelessness by strengthening tenants’ rights. The party is seeking cross-party support for its Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2018 which extends the minimum notice period for terminations of tenancies and strengthens tenants’ rights in relation to how rent caps are […]

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Record levels of hospital overcrowding predictable

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has described today’s record high levels of hospital overcrowding as disgraceful, predictable and avoidable. Deputy Shortall was commenting on figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation which show that the number of people on trolleys and wards awaiting hospital beds has risen to a new high of 677. […]

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