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Social Democrats parliamentary party meets for the first time

The new Social Democrats Parliamentary Party met for the first time this morning in Dublin in advance of the Dáil resuming next week. The 6 newly elected deputies held a press conference at the gates of Leinster House where party co-leaders Róisín Shortall and Catherine Murphy welcomed the party’s 4 first time TDs to the […]

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Older People must be supported to participate fully in society

The Social Democrats today launched a wide-ranging policy document focusing on some of the issues impacting on older people’s overall quality of life. The party says that older people have very specific concerns such as the availability of homecare packages, the fear around the pension controversy and other issues including housing and healthcare.  Speaking outside […]

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Making Mental Health a Priority – SocDems launch Mental Health Policy

Making Mental Health a Priority – SocDems launch Mental Health Policy This morning, Tuesday 28th January, at the ILAS institute at NUIG in Galway, the Social Democrats launch their Mental Health policy – ‘Making Mental Health a Priority’, with Róisín Shortall, co leader, Niall Ó Tuathail from Galway West and Peter Reid from Galway East. Róisín Shortall, […]

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Making History: women stepping up to change Ireland

Making History: women stepping up to change Ireland The Social Democrats have made history by having the largest ever percentage of female candidates declared for a General Election in Ireland. As a significant political party in the Irish system, they are unique in fielding a slate in GE2020 which features a gender split of 55% female and […]

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Getting it Right for Children and Families – A New Deal For Parents

The Social Democrats today launched their policy on children, families, and work/life balance – ‘A New Deal for Parents; Getting it right for children, for families’.  Party spokesperson on Children, Wicklow Cllr and GE candidate Jennifer Whitmore – a working mother of four – and Dublin West Candidate Aengus Ó Maoláin Social Democrats GE candidate […]

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Principles of fairness and certainty should underpin pension reforms

The Social Democrats today reiterated their strong support for the campaign to stop the increase in the state pension age to 67 years from next year and subsequently to 68. Speaking in Finglas in her constituency of Dublin North West, co-leader Róisín Shortall said that the Government’s plan to increase the pension age would mean […]

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Solutions to crime not just more Gardaí resources but investment in communities

The Social Democrats are today focussing on crime, with co-leader Róisín Shortall, in response to the shocking crimes in Drogheda and Dublin this week, highlighting the failures of investment in community policing and in communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, that have contributed to a growth in awful gangland activity. Shortall said: “The immediate, very serious gangland […]

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Staggering Government Hypocrisy on Disability

Social Democrats Co-Leader Róisín Shortall has reacted angrily to news today that Government have signed-off on a 1% across the board cut to key disability groups and services. She said the impacted organisations had been informed about the cut to their already overstretched budgets at the same time the government were clapping themselves on the […]

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