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Little evidence to support reopening on level planned

Róisín Shortall, TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats, today raised serious concerns about Ireland’s readiness to begin reopening on the level proposed for May 18th under plans for Phase 1. Her concerns are based on three key areas which show little evidence to support the easing of restrictions to the extent envisaged: Test and trace […]

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Long overdue decision on National Maternity Hospital must clear the way for full public ownership

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has welcomed the announcement that the Sisters of Charity have received approval from the Vatican to transfer ownership of the site for the new National Maternity Hospital to St Vincents Holdings CLG.  However, this does not constitute public ownership of the site.  Deputy Shortall said today’s development should be […]

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Answers needed on why some test centres closed over weekend

Following the closure of some testing centres over the weekend, Róisín Shortall, TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats, has called on Government to provide an explanation. She said, “The public deserves clear answers about the reason we are not operating at full testing capacity. The national strategy to combat Covid-19 is test and trace, […]

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Transparency needed on test and trace strategy

A transparent test and trace strategy is crucial to Ireland’s fight against Covid-19, according to Róisín Shortall TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats. During today’s Dáil sitting, she criticised the Government’s delays in reaching the testing target of 100,000 per week and its failure to adequately explain the reasons for the delays in the […]

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Exit strategy needs expert-led Task Force

Following the Taoiseach’s announcement yesterday that restrictions may be eased in stages every two to three weeks, Róisín Shortall, TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats, has repeated calls for an expert-led Task Force to plan a coordinated, cross-sector exit strategy. She said, “While public health authorities will of course have the principal input, other […]

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Economic Response to Covid crisis cannot replicate the mistakes of the last recession

Economic Response to Covid crisis cannot replicate the mistakes of the last recession Social Democrats co-leader Roísín Shortall said that today’s economic update from Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe did little more than set out possible scenarios but failed to provide any real detail regarding the Government’s response to the economic fallout of the Covid crisis. […]

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Government needs to ensure urgent redeployment of HSE staff

The failure to quickly and efficiently redeploy HSE staff to nursing homes is leaving our most vulnerable citizens more susceptible to Covid-19. In light of the prevalence of Covid-19 in nursing homes and the high numbers of deaths, this must become the number one priority for Government, according to Róisín Shortall, TD and co-leader of […]

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Political intervention needed in pharma industry to secure reagent

It is time for the Taoiseach to intervene with the pharmaceutical companies that are holding propriety rights over a critical reagent used in the test for Covid-19, according to Róisín Shortall, TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats. Calling on the Taoiseach in the Dáil today, she said, “There is a logjam caused at the […]

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Information and clarity needed on Nursing Homes on Covid-19

The Social Democrats have called for the Minister for Health to provide full information to the public on the situation in nursing homes in respect of Covid-19. In the absence of this information there is growing public concern about how this important sector of the health service is responding to the health crisis. Making the […]

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Call for Clarity on Covid 19 Testing

There is a need for clarity from the Government to fully explain the reason behind the long delays in testing for Covid 19 in order to respond effectively to this health crisis and to maintain public confidence in the ‘Test and Trace’ strategy, according to Róisín Shortall TD, Social Democrats Co-leader. Deputy Shortall said: “While […]

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SocDems call for urgent forum on medical supplies

Social Democrats co-leader Roisin Shortall TD has called on the Taoiseach to urgently establish a Forum to pursue all possible avenues for the provision of medical supplies for responding to the Covid 19 crisis. Such a Forum would be charged with bringing together representatives of manufacturers, innovators, medical scientists, the academic community and enterprise in […]

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Social Democrats repeat calls for wage subsidy for employees & self-employed

The Social Democrats have repeated their calls for the introduction of a wage subsidy during the current Covid-19 crisis. The party says that such a move is vital in order to keep people connected to employment, maintain reasonable incomes and keep businesses afloat. The party’s finance spokesperson, co-leader Róisín Shortall said: “The scale of job […]

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All party leaders must stand behind advice of Chief Medical Officer say Social Democrats

The Social Democrats have said that they stand fully behind the advice of the public health officials dealing with Covid-19 and wider Coronavirus issue.  Party co-leader Róisín Shortall attended today’s opposition briefing and said the only responsible thing to do in such a situation is to employ an evidence-based approach based on best international medical advice […]

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