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Contact tracing crisis is price of failure to fund public health

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall has expressed serious concern at revelations that the Minister for Health only learned of the unfolding crisis with the contact tracing system on Tuesday night. Deputy Shortall, who is the party’s spokesperson on Health, said: “Today’s statement from the Department of Health on the collapse of the testing and tracing […]

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Ulster Bank must offer assurances to staff and customers

The Social Democrats have called for assurances from senior management around the future of Ulster Bank in Ireland. The call comes from the party as the Minister for Finance meets the bank today. Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said: “There has been speculation for weeks around the future of Ulster Bank. Neither bank management in Ireland, nor the parent company Natwest, […]

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Government needs to act quickly on a sick pay scheme for staff in nursing homes and the meat industry

The Social Democrats have called for swift action to introduce a targeted sick pay scheme for staff in the nursing home sector and meat industry. Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD today raised with the Taoiseach the need for the immediate introduction of a targeted scheme for staff who are particularly vulnerable. Commenting, Deputy Shortall said: “We have repeatedly […]

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Budget 2021 did not allocate sufficient resources to our ICUs or invest adequately in Sláintecare

Budget 2021 did not allocate sufficient resources to our ICUs or invest adequately in Sláintecare Commenting, Roisin Shortall TD, co-leader and spokesperson on Health said: “The investment in ICUs flowing from Budget 2021 will fall far short of what is required. While capital expenditure in additional beds is welcome, there is a shortfall of around 250 critical care […]

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Further Government responses needed to serious increase in Covid-19 cases

Responding to the grave concern expressed this evening by the Chief Medical Officer about the deterioration in the numbers of Covid-19 cases even since Sunday last, Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats said: “The country is in the middle of a very serious phase of the battle against the pandemic. Today’s figures are […]

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Government must urgently step up their actions to tackle Covid-19

The Social Democrats called on the Taoiseach and Government to spell out clearly what measures they will take and which they want people to take to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus across the country, now that the whole country is to move to Level 3. Róisín Shortall TD, Social Democrats co-leader, said: “The […]

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Public need clear picture of reasoning behind latest decision

Government need to put in place supports for society and the economy Social Democrats Co-Leaders Catherine Murphy and Róisín Shortall wrote to the Taoiseach this afternoon with 9 points which they said needed to be “urgently considered” with the aim of supporting society and the economy, and restoring hope among people. Commenting, Róisín Shortall TD […]

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Mental health and disability are glaring omissions in Winter Plan

During today’s Dáil statements on the Winter Plan, Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, raised the glaring omission of mental health and disability services from the plan. Deputy Shortall said: “Disgracefully, the Winter Plan has conspicuously omitted any provision for mental health or disability services over the coming months. “Mental health services were […]

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