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Dangerous use of quads and scrambler bikes at epidemic levels

Social Democrats’ Councillor Cian O’Callaghan has said the dangerous use of quads and scramblers by teenagers and children has been allowed to reach epidemic levels. Speaking after a man was seriously injured when he was struck by a scrambler bike in Darndale Park at the weekend, the Dublin Bay North councillor said: “The misuse of […]

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Head in the sand approach to fire safety defects will not make them go away

Commenting on the report of the Fire Safety Task Force, Social Democrats Councillor Cian O’Callaghan said today: “The report of the Fire Safety Task Force Fire Safety in Ireland, published a year after the devastating fire at Grenfell Tower, fails to examine the extensive problem of structural fire safety defects in Celtic Tiger era developments. […]

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Energy savings should be passed on to consumers

Social Democrats spokesperson on Energy and Climate Change Councillor Cian O’Callaghan has said proposed reductions in the Public Service Obligation Levy (PSO), made today by the Energy Regulator, should be passed onto customers. Under the proposed new rate for 2018/2019 the PSO on electricity bills would reduce by 45% and would mean decreases of about […]

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Anglo guilty verdict must lead to tougher approach to white-collar crime

Commenting on today’s conviction of the former Anglo-Irish Bank chief executive David Drumm on fraud charges, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said lessons must be learned for future white-collar crime prosecutions. Deputy Murphy said: “Ten years on from the 2008 banking collapse that cost the country its economic sovereignty, the fact that a […]

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Sammon liquidation must not delay important Maynooth post primary schools projects

In the wake of the liquidation of Sammon construction, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has demanded that Minister for Education and Skills Richard Bruton prioritise the completion of the Maynooth Post Primary Schools projects. Catherine Murphy, Kildare North TD said: “It is absolutely vital that any delays to the Maynooth Post Primary project are kept to an absolute minimum. This critically important project for Maynooth and North Kildare cannot […]

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Court ruling shows it’s time to dismantle direct provision for asylum-seekers

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has called on the government to dismantle the discriminatory system of direct provision, saying today’s constitutional ruling should be the final nail in its coffin. Deputy Shortall said: “Today’s Court of Appeal ruling recognises that a child with Irish citizenship living in direct provision is entitled to child benefit […]

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SocDems Dublin Fingal GE candidate is businesswoman Tracey Carey

The Social Democrats are pleased to announce that businesswoman Tracey Carey has been selected to contest the next general election for the party in the Dublin Fingal constituency. Tracey is the fourth woman candidate selected by the SocDems this week, joining 16 other candidates selected to date to contest the next general election for the […]

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Safe access zones needed for women accessing abortion services

The Social Democrats have called for safe access zones to be considered to protect women accessing abortion services in GP clinics and hospitals from intimidation by anti-abortion protestors. The party’s political director, Anne Marie McNally, said: “We need to start thinking about women’s safety and security once our abortion services are up and running. During […]

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Zero credibility housing figures the last straw

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said official social housing build figures have lost all credibility and the Minister must take drastic action to tackle the housing emergency. Deputy Murphy was commenting on reports showing that local authorities built only about half of the number of social houses that were officially recorded in figures […]

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Political urgency needed in implementing Sláintecare

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has said the Minister for Health needs to show political courage and urgency in implementing the Sláintecare health reform plan which was published a year ago today [30th May 2018]. Deputy Shortall chaired the cross-party Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare which produced the fully-costed ten-year Sláintecare blueprint for […]

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Standing4Women demonstration deserves support

The Social Democrats have offered their public support to tomorrow’s Standing4Women demonstration which will take place outside the Dáil at 5p.m. with simultaneous demonstrations happening across the country. Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said that the issues facing women in this country have for too long been swept under the carpet and not given […]

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