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Rent pressure zones extensions only partial solution to skyrocketing rents

Today’s designation of Greystones and Drogheda as rent pressure zones is a relief to people renting in those areas – but what is actually needed is a pegging of rent increases to the Consumer Price Index, the Social Democrats said today. The party’s co-leader Catherine Murphy TD, said: “The fact that Greystones and Drogheda are […]

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Renewal of our towns and villages must take wider approach

A national grant scheme to rejuvenate towns and villages in rural Ireland should be extended so that larger towns and urban villages qualify, according to the Social Democrats. The recommendation is one of ten solutions the party is putting forward as part of its ten-point Project Main Street plan. The proposals are aimed at stimulating […]

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Social Democrats take action to highlight ways to revitalise our main streets

The Social Democrats have put forward a 10-point plan to revive ailing and run-down main streets in towns and villages around the country. Starting at noon today, Saturday 16th September, Social Democrats members across the country will post social media images of shuttered, unused or derelict premises in their main streets, under the hashtag #ProjectMainStreet. […]

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Social Democrats announce Wicklow general election candidate Jennifer Whitmore

Social Democrats Councillor Jennifer Whitmore has been selected to contest the next general election for the party in the Wicklow and East Carlow constituency. Cllr Whitmore is a founding member of the Social Democrats and has represented the people of the Greystones Municipal District as a councillor since 2014. She is the party’s spokesperson for […]

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Movement on Sláintecare welcomed, but momentum must be maintained

In a reply to a Dáil question this week, the Minister for Health further set out his plans for the implementation of the Sláintecare report. Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats today welcomed the news that the Government have committed to the setting up of an implementation office for Sláintecare. Deputy Shortall said: […]

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Citizenship education programme in schools requires resources

Anne-Marie McNally, the Social Democrats spokesperson on Society and Citizenship, has today called on the government to put its money where its mouth is when it comes to the proposed new secondary school subject, Politics and Society. Ms McNally said this module has the potential to deliver something that has been sorely lacking from the […]

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Government fails to recognise scale of dysfunction within An Garda Síochána

The government is failing to recognise the scale of problems within An Garda Síochána, which call for exceptional measures including an entirely new senior management team, Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said today. Deputy Shortall said: “The government’s response to the resignation of the Garda Commissioner and their hands-off response to mounting problems within […]

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Departure of Garda Commissioner must be start of wider clear out

The Social Democrats have welcomed today’s announcement by the Garda Commissioner that she is retiring – but stress that it must be the first step in robust efforts to rebuild internal morale and public confidence in the force. The party’s co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said: “The departure of the Garda Commissioner must be the start […]

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Government’s latest housing measures lack ambition and radical thinking

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has described the government’s latest proposals to tackle the housing and homelessness crisis as lacking in ambition and radical thinking. Deputy Murphy made her comments as an emergency Housing Summit, hosted by Minister Eoghan Murphy and attended by the chief executives of local authorities, concluded this evening. Deputy Murphy […]

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Recovery, not containment, must be objective of drug treatment services

Speaking this morning, Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD called for “the principle of recovery to be put at the centre of drug treatment services.” Addressing the inaugural International Recovery Conference in Trinity College Dublin, Deputy Shortall outlined the value of moving beyond harm reduction and towards an approach that supports long term recovery from […]

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Government ‘hiding behind’ Constitutional rights to avoid radical solutions to housing crisis

The Social Democrats have accused the government of hiding behind private property rights in the Constitution to avoid tackling the unprecedented housing crisis with the radical measures that are required. The comments come ahead of the party’s ‘think-in’ in Dublin today hosted by co-leaders Catherine Murphy TD and Róisín Shortall TD. Today’s event will explore […]

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